Monday, June 21, 2010

Drawing Item

This Sunflower Shutter w/Welcome Sign
is our drawing item for this week.
These are a very popular item!!!
We always sell out of these very quickly!!
We hope you like our choice for this week.
Retail value is $28.99.
If you would rather just purchase one, give us a call. We have several in stock.
For The Followers Of Our Blog
If you are not a follower of our blog yet....
You will want to be
1. Sign up if you are not a follower
2. Leave a comment or send us an email
3. We will enter your name into the drawing three times rather than once
4. Your chances of winning will increase!
We appreciate everyone of you. I love reading your emails and comments. Please continue to leave your messages. Have a wonderful day!


  1. Mandy~ Another ADORABLE drawing! You have the CUTEST stuff!! I would LOVE to win this. Thanks, Chelsey P.

  2. Mandy - great to see you at Maverik the other day. I am so glad you still have the blog, so I can get my weekly "On the Avenue" dose! :)

  3. Please enter me into the drawing! I love your stuff! Thanks- Jenny Merrill

  4. These are so cute Mandy! Please enter me.

  5. Perfect for the upcoming season! Very Cute! I would love this. Please enter me. Thanks Mandy!

    Alison Daugs

  6. This a absolutely adorable! I love the sunflower and still can't believe you come up with all your own designs. :)

  7. Enter me please. It is so cute!

  8. Please enter me, I also love your stuff :)

  9. Mandy your stuff is just so AMAZING!!! I am wishing I was a billionaire so I could buy everything you have!!! Please enter me!!!

  10. Your creativity amazes me!!! Enter me please!

  11. so cute as always i would love one! You guys are so amazingly creative!

  12. Oh this is a must have! Enter me into that drawing ASAP! Thanks!!

  13. Oh this is so dang cute, a must for my decor!
    I want to be entered in this drawing!

  14. Please enter me into the drawing!

  15. I think this is way fun to have these drawings! I would love to be added in the drawing. I just love all you decor.

  16. Thank you to everyone who has posted comments. I am so grateful!! Your names have all been added - GOOD LUCK!!!!!! For those of you who have signed up as followers - I have entered your name three times!

  17. I would love to win this! It is adorable. Please enter me!

  18. please enter me! I love the item i won last week! keep 'em comin!!! thanks for this fun idea!

  19. I'd like to be entered into the drawing! Fabulous! Thanks!

  20. I love it! I saw it at your house when I picked up my order. I would love to win it!

  21. Too dang cute... it would look great on my front porch. Thanks! Vicki

  22. Hello hello! I love those shutter things! Do they come with designs that you can change out? LIke a heart, shamrock, etc.? I am also a follower, but not on here, in my Google Reader.

  23. That is so cute! I want to win it, so pick me :)

  24. LOVE your sunflower shutter!!! You are one talented lady!!!! I would love to be entered in your drawing....thank you!!!

  25. Just found your Blog! Everthing is soo cute! Please enter me to ;) and I'm a new follower!
