Thursday, July 8, 2010

Raven's Mulling Spices

Raven's Mulling Spices
This is one of my favorite things in the whole world!!

I am getting ready to place an order for the
Raven's Mulling Spices
and wanted to put a word out to all of you blog watchers. If any of you would like to place an order, please give me a call at 435-755-8471 or email me at ontheavenuelogan@gmailcom. Many of you have purchased large amounts of this mulling spice over the past several years and we wanted you to know it is still available. For those of you who have not tried it..... it is a wonderful treat. Just add one package of the mulling spice (or 1/2 package depending on how seasoned you would like it) to one gallon of Apple Juice and warm. It is one of Eric's favorite treats. I try to have it warm and ready to drink when he walks in from work. I start making it as soon as the temperatures start to drop and we don't stop until it warms up. I have left it in a sauce pan on my stove top or put it in a tall warming kettle. It smells Divine!! It is a wonderful gift around the Holiday Season -

Each package is $3.00

Last year I called the company to place an order. The lady who answered the phone is the daughter of Raven - who created this wonderful product. It was so fun speaking with her and about her mother. There are also other recipes on the package that can be made with this mulling spice.
BBQ Herb Sauce
Spice Apple Cake
Party Punch
I will be placing the order by the first of August, which will give us plenty of time to enjoy this savory flavor for the cold months ahead.

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