Monday, August 30, 2010

New Drawing Item

This week's drawing item if this set of
Fall Blocks
I have mentioned before that I absolutely love this time of year. I woke up this morning to a chilly temperature and rain. It is definitely "Hoodie" weather, which I don't mind. I love layering clothes and being "cuddly and warm" as my Chloee would say. On the way home from driving Kylan to the bus stop I became more excited for the fall season.
If you would like to enter the drawing this week, I want you to leave a comment or email me the answer to this question.....
Why Do I Love This Time Of Year????
Good Luck to You All &
I Can't Wait To Read All Your Comments.


  1. You love it because of the Hoodie weather and things turning cooler and layering clothes and being "cuddley and warm". I love the cooler weather too, and the colors of everything and the smells and everything fall...pumpkins, leaves, scarecrows and HALLOWEEN!

    P.S. Don't enter me. I won a few weeks ago.

  2. Angela -
    We still enter your name even if you have won before. Thanks for the comment!!!

  3. Sweater weather!! I love wearing sweaters, love dressing my daughter in sweaters, love watching the leaves change, and I LOVE looking forward to Thanksgiving!!! Fall has always been my favorite time of year. I just love the feeling, love the smell in the air, so fresh. Althought I want it to stay FALL, and not turn winter, because my husband is a snowplow driver, and it gone WAYYY too much!!! :D Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
    Jennifer O. (Pidjen)

  4. I absolutely love this season. The crisp smells of fall, the warm colors, the corn mazes, and enjoying it with the ones I love!

  5. I LOVE fall, It's gets me in the mood for chrismas shopping... I know it is still kinda early, but that is what I think of when the weather turns cold.

  6. I love fall because of the beautiful colors and the cool weather! Please enter me!! (:

  7. You may love it for the same reasons I do. I love the colors outdoors. Seeing the leaves change and brighten up are so breath- taking. It is also my favorite season to decorate for. There is so much in fall: fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc. It is the best. It is so fun to celebrate this season.

    Enter me!

  8. You love this time of year same reason as me it is absoulutley beautiful! With perfect weather and fun days of decorating!
    Enter me please! Amanda Davenport!

  9. Ok... so I send our emails to all of our families and friends. My "Very Funny" Brother in law sent me an email asking to be entered into the drawing. He also left his comment about why he loves the fall season. Some of you may think this is hilarious and some may not - Enjoy....

    "Why Do I Love Fall??"
    Because it is the Season To Kill things!!!!
    Deer, Elk, Pheasant, Duck Goose - You name it. How's That???? Do I Win???

    For any of you women out there that are married to hunters - HAHAHA!

  10. Enter me! I love this time of year because of the fun decor! And also I love Halloween and the beginning of fall makes it closer to Halloween!!

  11. I love this time of year because of all the wonderful colors and it's time to make yummy soups!!! I would love to win this time please enter me in the drawing

  12. I love FALL because football starts! It is alot cooler and it is so fun to decorate with corn stalks, pumpkins and color!!!

  13. I love this time of year because school is starting and the weather is cooling down. I love it when we get to Thanksgiving because it is a great time to sit and reflect on all the lord had given to us. I also love the fact that it brings my birthday!! Oh and Mandy I commented earlier but for some reason it didn't leave it :(

  14. I love this time of year because school is starting and the weather is cooling down. I love it when we get to Thanksgiving because it is a great time to sit and reflect on all the lord had given to us. I also love the fact that it brings my birthday!! Oh and Mandy I commented earlier but for some reason it didn't leave it :(

  15. I forgot to say why I love this time of year! That is sad too, because this is my favorite season by far. There are so many things about this time of year that I love. The air changes and feels so different than any other time. I work at a golf course by the canyon and I get to sit and watch the leaves change each year! College football starts and that is a favorite. Halloween is coming and I get to buy fun and unique pumpkins each year. The list just keeps going.

  16. Thank you to everyone! I have loved reading all of your comments. Isn't this time of year fantastic!!! It may only last a short time, but it is definitely my favorite!!!
