Monday, September 27, 2010

New Drawing Item
Halloween Block Set
We had so many emails and comments for the block sets, so I thought I would post another set for our drawing this week.
This is a tough picture to see, but the blocks are darling!
If you are interested in entering the drawing email me at
or leave a comment on this post. For any of you that are followers, once again I will add your name into the drawing three times.
Please make sure you mention you are a follower when you leave your comment. Good Luck To You All!


  1. I am a follower! How cute are those! I hope I win!!

  2. I am a follower! please enter me for those cute blocks.

  3. Way Cute! Im a follower!

  4. OH mandy you know I'm a follower...although doesn't that sound against what we teach our primary kids? to be a leader not a follower haha! Anyways please enter me! Seriously if I had all the money in the world I would be buying everything you come up with.

  5. Love the blocks! They look great. Please count me in for the drawing. I am a follower as well.

  6. Love these blocks and everything you do!!! Please enter me in to the drawing. I check the blog every day.

  7. Since I am a purple girl... this one is just perfect for me! Thanks for always having such fun giveaways! I'm a follower! Vicki
