Monday, September 20, 2010

Our Prayers Are With You!!
Yesterday was a normal Sunday for us. Church meetings, time with the family a little relaxing after a good dinner and then we turned on the news....
There was breaking news of a Large fire in Herriman, Utah. It really caught our attention because my husband and son were in Herriman on Saturday for a soccer game. I turned on the news at 10:00 to catch up on what was happening. I found myself glued to the TV until 11:00 when the news coverage went off the air. I began thinking of all the people (over 1200 homes) that had to be evacuated and my heart ached. This morning as soon as I woke, I turned on the TV to see and hear the status on this fire. Although four homes were a loss, many had been saved. One man said it was a Miracle. They truly thought many more homes would be lost. Many wonderful fire fighters, police officers and military personal worked through the night to protect the people and homes of that community.
The one thing that stood out in my mind was the man that said "It was a Miracle." I believe Miracles happen today on this earth. I am sure that our Heavenly Father's hand was there to protect those people and their homes. I am sure he will be there to lift those who lost theirs.
To the people of the community of Herriman - our prayers are with you. Continue to look for miracles, for I believe they will continue to happen.

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