Monday, November 22, 2010

New Drawing Item

Set of three Christmas Trees

The large tree is 8" Tall with a wood heart, berries, moss & a bow. The other two have moss, berries and a bow. If you are interested in entering your name into this weeks drawing.....

You Must List What You Are Thankful For!

I want everyone to really think about this. I am so thankful for the simple things in life. This morning we had our fire place lit, fresh bread baking, laundry washing in the washer, happy kids and so much more. I think it is very easy to get caught up in the things we dont have, instead of focusing on what we do have. We have learned through many hard lessons that the simple things in life are some of our most wonderful blessings. Thank You For sharing. Please leave this comment on this blog post or email me at ontheavenuelogan@gmail


  1. I'm thankful for water-proof jackets with hoods! They make a BIG difference when shoveling snow and you have to shake limbs of a tree :)

  2. Cute trees!
    I'm thankful for my family...plain and simple! :)

  3. I am thankful that me and mu husband both have jobs. I scrub toilets and floors at a truck stop- and every time I think of complaining I remind myself of all the people who cant find jobs!!! I LOve these trees!!

  4. I am thankful for my family and all the things they do for me :)

  5. I am thankful for my husbands job, that it can provide my family with a warm, new house and everything else! These trees would go so great with all my other Christmas decor!

  6. I am thankful for four healthy children, being married to my very best friend, to live in this country and all the safety and prosperity we get to enjoy because of it.

  7. I am grateful for a functioning healthy body. My grandpa just got diagnoised with bladder cancer. You never know when its going to happen to you. Be grateful that your body works and is healthy everyday. And I'm grateful for my family. The ones living and in heaven. And for trials in my life. Without them I would not be as strong as I am today and better because of them. The holidays for my family could be sad and full of painful memories after my brothers died, but I chose not to let them. Its a wonderful time to remember them and be grateful for eternal families!

  8. I'm already crying!!!! Thanks everyone!

  9. I am thankful that even in this economy, we still have a job to support our family. My husband's hours have been cut, but he still has a job. I am grateful for that.

  10. I'm thankful for my family, and that I can be with the ones I love most, forever! I'm grateful for my life! (:

  11. Mandy I am thankful for my family and for modern medicine that is helping my dad to be here longer! Every holiday matters when cancer is involved and we count every holiday as a blessing! I am truly thankful for every day that I can talk to my dad on the phone, and see him!

  12. I am thankful for the beauty of being able to go to the grocery store when we need food, the Dr. when we are sick, and church when we are down. I am very blessed to have everything i need not necessarily what i want.
    tiffern99 at gmail dot com

  13. I have been thinking a lot about the many things I am thankful for this month. One thing I tend to overlook is that of color. So today, I am grateful for color. Life certainly would be boring if everything were black and white.

  14. Weirdly enough, I am thankful for the struggles I have faced in my life. (Easier to say now than when in the midst of one!) Without my struggles I wouldn't be the person I am today. Nor could I appreciate the people in my life like I do. Without struggles you forget the simple things in life that matter most.

  15. Okay it's about time I posted something on my beautiful wife'sawesome blog. What am I grateful for, my great job I am a high school teacher at Roy High School, I am grateful for my students. I am grateful that I have a warm home that is warmed by a wood burning stove. But above and beyond everything else I am grateful for my sweetheart Mandy, she has carried and sometimes drug me through all of lifes various challenges. She is truly my best friend and hero, I am biast of course but anyone that knows her, knows exactly what I am talking about she is the most caring and loving person I know. Happy Holidays to everyone thanks for supporting us with our business Mandy is the one that keeps it going I am just blessed to be part of it. Love you Mandy.

  16. I am thankful for my loving husband that drove me to work this morning when the weather was terrible and the roads treacherous. I am thankful for my beautiful healthy 17 year old daughter. I am thankful that my family has been blessed with health and happiness. And I am thankful for the wonderful friends that I have in my life. Oh I am thankful for a TON of things!! Life is good!

  17. I'm so thankful for - my amazing son who when my husband and I separated in April has picked up the pieces and done all of the "man" things without complaint and most time without even being asked. My parents who dispite my failure stand behind me 100% and are willing to help with anything I need... For having a job that I love and awesome co-workers who can make a "down day" into a sunny one!

    I love the trees... using the hearts and ribbon really completes them... thanks so much! Happy holidays!

  18. What I am thankful for..... A happy healthy family. Watching my 3 year old having the time of his life playing in the snow. For my 18 month olds hugs and kisses. For my hubby and all of his hard work. Having a warm home to come home to with food on the table. And for each single breath that I am able to take.
