Saturday, November 27, 2010

Quilted Bear Booths
We took a trip south yesterday and filled up our Midvale and Ogden Quilted Bear Booths. In Ogden we have many fall items at 50% off. We will leave it in there for a little bit and then we will be taking it out. Don't miss out on getting a great price! We have many Christmas items in our booths and will be adding more through out the next few weeks. Also... We will be pulling out of the Provo Quilted Bear January 1st. It has been impossible for me to get there with my kids crazy school schedule. Everything in our booth (in Provo) at this time is 50% Off. If you live in that area, go check it out. If any of you would still like our product, we would love to ship to you!!
Please contact us at 435-755-8471.

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