Monday, December 13, 2010

The New Drawing Item For This Week is
Our SNOW Letters
Retail: $24.00
For the Drawing this week, I don't want to you submit your own name. I would love for you to nominate someone you love and care about. Nominate someone who has made a big difference in your life or who has been a great inspiration to you or someone else. Please tell us about this person and why you nominated them. You are more than welcome to nominate more than one person. I would love to receive more emails and comments than we have ever had. Let's help make someone's Christmas very special.

Thank You Everyone!!!
I Can't Wait To Read Your Emails and Comments!


  1. I would nominate TanDee, my sister. She is my very best friend! Recently with me going through a divorce she of course is and will always be there for me. She calls and checks up on me all the time. She even wrote me a letter that she actually just gave me this last weekend! She is an amazing person and I love and look up to her so much! -KaeLee

  2. My friend Cynthia...she has been through so much in the last year, yet she still keeps smiling. I know that if I had to go through even a part of what she's gone through it would break me, yet she does it all with grace and humility.

  3. My mom. She helps me more than she will ever know. We do everything together and she is always there to help and thinking about me. I have never went a day of my life without talking to her and will never have it any other way! What a great idea to nominate someone else. We get so caught up in ourselves and our stress this time of year and it's nice to stop and think about others and the great things we have! Thank you :)

  4. I would nominate my mom! I can't even begin to explain how much she does for me and my family. (My dad too, but let's be honest, my mom would enjoy the blocks a little more than my dad would!) Plus, her last name is Snow, so it's perfect! :)
    Great idea to nominate someone else!! How thoughtful!!

  5. I would like to nominate my daughter, Clisty. She's young, married and a great mother to three little girls! Her hubby is pretty lucky, too. Clisty always has time for me and is willing to help me with anything I ask! She is helpful to everyone.....she would deserve this cute gift!
    Thanks for the chance.......

  6. I am going to nominate my dear friend Mildred. I actually first got to know Mildred because she works at the Credit Union I first started my savings account at when I was 10 years old. Through the years she has been an amazing mentor and friend. She is a loan officer there and has helped me so many times... In good and bad.. She has always been a family friend and has had a good relationship with all of us in my family. It really upset her when my little brother died and they graciously donated $500 for funeral expenses. Just recently I was working with her over the phone (she is in St. Anthony Idaho) and I'm down in Logan but can't give her up she is to precious. Anyways, she told me that she has breast cancer and was recently diagnoised in September.. What an amazing woman to be so thoughtful and caring to put everyones needs first and work day to day dealing with physical pain and weakness and emotional stress to help others. I just love her to death and the friend that she has always been to me. Thanks so much for all you do Mandy and letting me share a special person with others who is truly amazing! Merry Christmas!

  7. I would nominate my mom.. she is amazing!!! She is the most hard working women I know.. we have been through a lot this last year as a family. She is now raising my neice and had to take on a 3rd job to make ends meet. She still finds time to spend with my kids and is such a good Grandma. I am so proud to call her my mother and I love her so much!!!

  8. I would like to nominate my sister in law Christy. She and her husband Nate had twin boys a little over two years ago. They are the cutest things ever. Since birth, they haven't been developing as they should. They were slow for everything. They have the hardest time sucking a bottle, so the formula goes everywhere, wasting much of it. They have just recently learned to sit up and crawl( scoot). Remember, they are over two years old. The doctors always attributed it to just being slow since they were twins and were a little early. Since more tests have been done, it shows that they have Angel Syndrome. They can't talk, they can't walk, they don't eat any solids, they don't really feel pain and they have seizures. They don't focus on a subject and those are just a few of the symptoms. Ofcourse, Nate and Christy were saddened by the diagnosis, but they have not once complained or wished that they didn't have the boys. The twins will be forever with their them little or no break. I always feel that these special spirits are given to homes that have the capacity to manage it and to do it with love and patience. Christy is that Mom and she deserves to be rewarded for her humble work she endures each and every day. Please consider her for this gift. Thanks Mandy.

  9. I would nominate my mom. I have had to have quite a few surgeries in my life time, and my mom has always been there. Talking with the doctors, leaving my family to be with me, Traveling with me, letting me know I can do it, and holding my hand through it all. She continues to support me and I love her so much.

    Thanks so much Mandy!!
