Monday, April 18, 2011

Many of you have been ordering craft kits from us for years~ After all creating is so much fun! We are now announcing ~Make It With Mandy~ We will be offering craft classes in the near future. All of our items will be fun and easy to make. We will supply everything you will need ~ although you may want to bring a chocolate treat and a diet coke~ We are hoping to have a minimum of 30 ladies in each class. We will be posting more information in the future, but would love to know now how many of you would be interested in coming and participating. This will help us know how many classes we will be offering. We are hoping to offer 1~2 classes per month through out the year. We are already receiving GREAT feed back and would love to hear from more of you. We are VERY Excited to get this started! Please leave a comment on this post or send us an email to


  1. Mandy I would LOVE THIS!!! I would order your kits but I don't have paint and what not at my house and with how busy I am if I don't have a time set apart that is for crafts I don't do them! So I would love this!!!

  2. I would love to go to the classes!

  3. I too, would LOVE to go to your classes. Sounds way fun!

  4. I would love to do this!

  5. I'm very interested in your classes. Let me
    know about them. Thanks. Margo

  6. I am super interested Mandy! I would like to know about how much they would cost, because that would determine how often I could participate, but it sounds awesome! I was wondering if you'd ever come do a smaller group. I am in charge of a ladies group that does something every month, but it's not quite that many ladies. Let me know ~ You're awesome!!

  7. I love this idea, I will definately be coming.

  8. Yes! I would be intersted too!! I also have a few friends that would be interested depending on prices.

  9. YAY!! Mandy, I would LOVE to come to classes!!

  10. I think this sounds like great fun!

  11. I think it sounds like fun! Would like to know what kind of classes you're thinking about offering.
