Monday, June 13, 2011

Chloee's Cards For Cancer ~ A couple months ago my mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and that was quite a shock for all of us. I am sure it is for everyone who is told they or someone they love has cancer. Of course the first thing I thought of is "What can I do?" "How can I help her?" Other than checking with her everyday to see how she is feeling, there hasn't been much she has needed. She and my dad have been amazing and I am so grateful for their strength.

(My Mom, Dad & Chloee)

So my daughter Chloee (who just turned 6) and I decided to come up with a way to raise money for Cancer Awareness. My Grandma fought breast cancer a few years ago, my grandpa and dad have battled Skin Cancer multiple times and my brother in law was diagnosed with Melanoma cancer not quite a year ago. I really think cancer affects all of us in one way or another. So here is our idea...... Chloee's Cards For Cancer - My Chloee loves to draw and color. We have taken some of her art work and turned them into cards.... She and I have spent many hours cutting, pasting and enjoying being together. Each packet comes with an assortment of four cards and is $5.00 per packet. We will donate part of each sale to help with Cancer Awareness. These are very simple cards, but made with so much love and hope. Hope for every person who is fighting the battle with cancer right now or loves someone who is. We would love your support in this. To place an order, please give us a call at 435-755-8471 or email us at We are hoping to ship our cards all over the United States. Wouldn't that be a great thing?! Each set of cards comes wrapped in a cute cellophane bag with a darling "PINK" tag that says "Chloee's Cards For Cancer". PLEASE Share this with all of your friends - We would love to raise a Large amount for this wonderful cause. Thank you to each of you!!

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