Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Good Morning Friends. Today's post is a little different that my others. My heart is heavy today and my eyes are quite tired from the tears we have shed over the past week. Our family has been given a trial that definitely has required a lot of prayer and faith by all of us. My sweet baby sister Melanie and her husband Kenny were told a week ago that he (Kenny) may have cancer on his liver. After spending a couple days at the Huntsman Cancer Center our fears were confirmed after testing shows there is Stage 4 Melanoma Cancer throughout his body. My dear sister is 26 years old and Kenny is 27. Sometimes things sure don't seem fair as I am sure all of you have felt at different times in your lives. They have a sweet daughter Taya who is two years old and the light of Melanie & Kenny's lives. Kenny has been admitted into the Huntsman Cancer Center to undergo high treatments of Chemotherapy. Please remember their family in your prayers. Melanie asked me if it was selfish to pray for a miracle. I told her no! We believe in a God of Miracles, so if all of you will join with us in praying for a miracle, we would be so grateful!!

Many of you know we started Chloee's Cards For Cancer when my mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in the spring. We are asking each of you for help in giving Melanie and Kenny a wonderful Christmas. We are selling Chloee's cards for $5.00 per package of 4 cards. All of the money raised will go directly to their family for Christmas, Medical Bills or whatever they need at this hard time in their lives. If you would like to donate without ordering cards, we would be so GRATEFUL!!! Please help us bring a small miracle to their family during this season as we pray for an even bigger miracle for Kenny!!! To place an order for the cards, please email us at or call us at 435-755-8471. We love and appreciate all of you and thank you in advance for your kindness!!!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother in law and his sweet family. My heart and prayers go out to them. Keep the blog updated with their progress. We will cross our fingers for a miracle!

  2. We are praying too and would love to donate.
