Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday, January 21st

"Better late than never." I figure it is still Saturday, so here is our ~Make Your House A Home~ entry. The kids and I spent the day cleaning, doing laundry, baking and more cleaning, while Eric worked in the shop on all of your orders!! I absolutely love to sit down at night when the house is clean, laundry is put away, the smell of fresh bread is lingering and our bellies are full. What a blessing. I had the opportunity to meet a dear friend a couple years ago. I hope she doesn't mind if I share her story. As a young mom she had a stroke which left the right side of her body somewhat immoveable. I was at her home one day and noticed the effort she had to put forth just to vacuum or wash dishes. The day I saw how hard this was for her was the day I realized how easy it was for me to clean my home, to do our laundry or to bake for my family. Before that day, it was easy for me to look at these tasks as a burden sometimes, but I learned that I shouldn't. We should be grateful we can offer these services to the ones we love... Thank you for being such a great example Melissa, I love You!!

One of my FAVORITE Decorations in our home is the pictures of our kids. I love looking at them and being reminded of all the different ages they have been. I love remembering the funny things they have done or silly things they have said. We think of the saying "My Joy Is Full...." when Eric and I think of our kids. I have displayed their pictures in different ways in our over the years and would love to share those ways with you.....

This picture of my kids is my latest creation. I had 11X14 pictures printed with a matte finish. I chalked the edges to give them that rustic look. We cut boards, painted them black and distressed the edges. I used spray adhesive to glue the pictures to the board. I put each of their names across the bottom in vinyl. I used our furniture grade clear coat over the top of the vinyl and pictures. They turned out awesome. I make them for my hall, but decided I wanted to look at them every day so I have them displayed on easels on my piano in the front room.

These are pictures of my kids when they were younger. I LOVE looking at them. I have them displayed in my bathroom in frames that Eric made for me years ago. Most of our frames are black and antique white because every picture looks good with those colors.

These are also a fun way to display pictures. They can be hung on the wall horizontally, but I LOVE displaying them vertically on the floor up against a wall. I used our sweet annie green and black for these frames. We distressed the edges and tada!

Another idea is placing several frames together on wall.

Remember, we offer a great assortment of frames and would love to help you display your family pictures. Many different sizes and styles are available. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and make sure you check back on Monday for our next sale item.

We LOVE to see other peoples homes...... If any of you would like to share ideas you have used in your homes, please send us descriptions and pictures to We would love to share your ideas with our blog followers as well!

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