Saturday, February 4, 2012

Saturday, February 4th -

Welcome to ~Make Your House A Home~ where we share fun ideas we have used in decorating our own home and other friends homes. We have some GREAT ideas we would love to share with you. How many of you have or have access to old rustic used wood items? Frames, windows, doors and even old headboards. Here are some of the fun things we have created with our old finds......

This is an old Screen door that was painted white. I had it outside for a while so the paint is chipping off and I love the look. I took a twig wreath and added some pip berries and a fabric bow on the top. I have it placed behind a black rocking chair. Isn't this cool? It really only took me five minutes~ I love those quick projects.

Some great friends of ours were remodeling their kitchen a year ago so I asked her what she was doing with all of her old cabinets. She graciously gave them to me and they are AWESOME!! (Thanks Linda!) This is one of the frames she gave us. I sanded off some of the paint that was peeling, but left the greenish color showing on some part of the frame. I took some burlap fabric (which I LOVE) and hung a berry wreath from the top of the frame. I placed a snowman, some stacking boxes and other fun items behind the frame. GREAT IDEA HUH? I Love the way this display turned out.

I found these OLD RUSTIC CANISTERS at a thrift store and fell in love with them. Years ago I purchased these really cool berries and have been waiting to use them for that perfect display. I filled this Large Flour Tin with them and love the way it looks together. I also tied a burlap bow around the large tin to add a soft texture. This display is on my kitchen table.

We have turned Old Headboards Into Benches and they are some of my favorite pieces ever! Of course we make them to sell, but I find myself snatching one here and there to place in my own home. I just can't resist and Eric always keeps that in mind when he is building something. He always says "You're gonna love these" which tells me he would love for me to have it. He gets just as excited and I do, but don't tell him I told you that!!

This Awesome Bench is now sitting in my front room - I just couldn't resist!!

My good friend Jamie is now enjoying this one in her master bedroom.

And again, I stole this bench one for our bedroom. I have decorated it with one of my runners, a clock, twig balls and another vase full of those wonderful berries I have been waiting to use.

This is a wood crate that we repaired and sprayed black. We distressed the edges and tadaa! A great piece for our bathroom. I placed twig balls and a rooster on top. Very simple and fun!!
So remember to think outside of the box when you are decorating. Because some of these items were already made, it didn't take me long to add them to my home. I just added a little bit of my style and absolutely love looking at all the fun things we have created out of old stuff! Thank you for spending some of your day with us and good luck ~Making Your House A Home~

1 comment:

  1. I love what you have done with this stuff! Is it possible to post larger pictures though? Perhaps I have bad eyes, but I can't see the detail very well... particularly the burlap fabric on the old cabinets. So very curious! Thanks for sharing!
