Monday, April 23, 2012

Good Day Sunshine! - Monday, April 23rd

I absolutely love the sunshine. It adds an extra hop to my step when the sun is brightly shining. We had a fun family BBQ yesterday to celebrate my mom and niece's birthday. It was so much fun! We laughed and laughed! I Love My Family!!

So many of you have asked for an update on our Exciting Cancer Journey and now we have more information, we would love to share it with you. This is definitely a personal journey for our family, but if it can help just one of you then we would love to share our story with all of you. This past week has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I went back into visit with my surgeon this past Monday and was expecting him to send me home with great news that my incision was healing well and it was time to start treatment. Although he did tell me that the incision was healing wonderfully, he also added that the pathology reports came back and they did not feel confident with the amount of cancer tissue they removed. He then explained that the only way they could guarantee that all the cancer cells were removed from my body was a Mastectomy. Wow, that was like a sucker punch to the stomach!! I was not expecting that at all. To make a long story short, we visited with a couple other Dr.'s through out the week and have come to a final decision. Next week I will be going into surgery for a Double Mastectomy and Reconstructive surgery. We feel very confident that this is the right decision. The double mastectomy will give me a less than 1% chance of this cancer coming back versus a 40% chance of it returning if we only remove one side. Also, with the double Mastectomy, there will be no reason for Chemo or Radiation!!! WooHoo!! I am so thrilled about that. There will be multiple surgeries after this one to help with the reconstruction, but the cancer will be GONE!!! What a miracle. I am so grateful that this cancer was found! Eric and I have said over and over that the Lord truly had his hand in every moment of our lives over the past few months. Everything was laid out perfectly and we are so grateful. Thank you Everyone! Your cards, flowers, visits, emails and phone calls have been absolutely overwhelming. You will never know how much they have meant to our family! We especially appreciate your prayers of comfort, not only for Eric and I, but for our sweet kids! This can be a traumatizing time for young kids and they have truly felt the spirit and know that our Savior and Heavenly Father love them and are aware of them. We love you and appreciate you all! Thank You!!

Now for some fun. The winner of our "Much Is Given" Tile is Stephanie Olson. Congratulations Stephanie!! Shoot me an email and we can set up a time for you to pick this up! Thank you to everyone who entered!

This week's drawing item is this Super Duper Cute Shelf. Retail value is $89.00 - If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please leave a comment on this post or email us at If you are a follower of our blog, please mention it and we will enter your name into the drawing five times. Good Luck To You All!!!
We also have another FANTASTIC SALE Item today. This "One Nation Under God" sign is perfect for a Americana display. Place this on an easel with a rustic American flag and pip berries. Love this sign!! This sign is 24" Long x 12" Tall. Retail: $29.00 - On Sale for $14.50 - that would be an awesome 50% Savings! This would be perfect on a front door!

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - This will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at


  1. Please enter me, I am a follower too :)

  2. Yay I love the cute shelf! This would be so cute in my house. Love your blog- I am a follower!
    Steph G

  3. Mandy,
    We are amazed at your strength and positive attitude during this trial! It helps to know that happiness is a choice!! We will keep praying for you and your family.
    --Mike and Candace Tatton

    Will you please enter me into the drawing for the shelf. I just love your blog and enjoy the music!!

  4. Oh mandy! Your post had me in tears! You are so up beat and positive during this hard time! What an insperation you are! A living example to find the happy things in life!
    Good luck this week! We will keep you in our prayers.
    The shelf is so cute! I would love to be entered!

  5. We are keeping you and your family in our prayers, and praying for a good outcome. Thanks for your example of staying positive in a hard trial. It really makes me rethink my attitude regarding some things in my life. :) I absolutely love your shelf, please enter me and I'm also a follower. Good luck this week.

  6. I am a follower. Please enter me. :)

    You are so strong and positive! You are an amazing example!

  7. Oh, I would LOVE this shelf for my new house!!! Enter me & I am a follower!!

    You are such an amazing person and like everyone has already said such a great example! Stay strong and good luck. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!

  8. Mandy, it was so awesome visiting with you Saturday and to see (and hear) that you are doing well & that certain "c" word will soon be gone! It shouldn't be surprising that I LOVE this shelf! It is not only amazing, but would definitely fill a few (haha, more like a million) empty spaces on my walls :) Owning a home has been so amazing, but it sure takes time to fill in all the open spaces! Please enter me, and yes, I am a follower! Hugs!!!

  9. Cute shelf. I am a follower! I admire you for your strength and courage and I love your blog, too.

  10. Please enter me I would love this shelf for my entry way. I am also a follower! ;-)

  11. Mandy you and your strength are such an inspiration to me and to all those who follow your blog. Keep the faith girl for God will continue to hold you in the hallow of His hand. Love you girl and praying for you and your family. Isaiah 40:31

    I love the shelf! Please enter me in the drawing and I am a follower of your blog.

  12. What a strong woman you are! You have so much faith and a great attitude! The Lord will bless you and help you always! Please enter me in the drawing. I am also a follower. Thanks!

  13. Love that shelf

    You are truly amazing, what a positive attitude you have, thanks for the update.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Prayers and blessings to you and your cute little family. Thank you so much for [in the middle of this whole trial] encouraging US to take care of ourselves too. . . . What an inspiration. What an absolute amazing human being to even be THINKING of anyone but yourself.

  16. So cute. Please enter me! I'm a follower! Our prayers are with you and your family.

  17. What a fabulous update. Thank you for sharing! And that shelf is SO cute!!

  18. Sorry, I just realized my first comment probably sounded like I didn't really read your post. I did. What is fabulous is the 1% chance of cancer coming back, after all the incredibly hard part. You and your husband are very inspiring.

  19. Sooooooo Darling! The shelf is adorable--I would love this for my entry way--I could put the cute X-mas decorations I made with you guys on it next Christmas!
    My prayers are with your family-Wish you guys the best!

  20. Wishing you and your family the best as you get through your upcoming surgery. May you be blessed and comforted during this time.

    Love your shelf! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win.
    Also, I'm a blog follower.

  21. Please enter me for the drawing, and I'm a follower. And wishing you good luck next week.

  22. My heart goes out to you and your family! Hope the surgeries go good this next week! Please enter me for the drawing! Its SSOO DANG CUTE! I am a follower!!

  23. It is hard to get news that is not exactly what we are expecting, but you have such an amazing attitude! My prayers will be with you and I wish you the very best.
    The shelf is darling, please enter me! I follow. :)

  24. You are all so wonderful! Thank you for being so kind for for your encouraging words. They mean the world to us!! I have entered all of you into our drawing! Good Luck and make sure you check our blog on Monday to see if you are the winner. Thanks again!!! ~Mandy

  25. Mandy I am here for you if you need me!!! You are in our prayers every morning and night and in my own personal prayers! I hate that nasty cancer monster!! We love and miss you guys!
    As for the drawing I am a follower and would love to win your darling shelf!
