Saturday, April 28, 2012

Saturday, April 28th
Good Morning and Welcome to ~Make Your House A Home~.  I apologize we haven't had a Saturday post the past couple of weeks.  I have truly tried to stay up on everything during this super crazy time, but that is one thing I just couldn't get to.  It feels good to be back writing this post.   These ~Make Your House A Home~ posts have really made me think about the things that truly ~Make Our House A Home~.  Of course there is the physical part of a home which I absolutely am passionate about.  I Love decorating.  I love moving things around and giving our house a fresh look.  I love creating new items and placing them in my home.  I absolutely love taking something old and making it look newer.  I don't LOVE cleaning, but I LOVE having a clean home and that is the driving force that helps me clean everyday, do laundry everyday, wash dishes everyday and make beds everyday!  A Clean Home is a Peaceful Home (and then the kids come home.... - Just Kidding).  I find myself wanting that picture perfect home that we see in magazines, but then I remember.  If those homes had people living in them I bet there were toys, dirty dishes, laundry piled high, and unmade beds just hours before the pictures were taken.  For me, it is impossible to keep that picture perfect home all the time and that is ok.  We live in our home and that is what is important (but decorating it cute comes in a close second)
 So many of you know the story about how Eric and I met.  It was true love at first sight.  It was 9th grade, Algebra class (that was back before they started teaching Algebra in 3rd grade).  I remember asking a friend of mine who he was.  She leaned her head over to my ear and said "He's Just A Nerd".  A Nerd?  I thought he was pretty cute.  During our high school years we became super great friends and by our Senior Year we were falling in love.  Sounds Crazy Doesn't It?  It sounds even crazier when I think about my oldest son turning 15 this year and realize he is WAY TOO Young to be falling in love.  But we did.  I lived in a busy sub-division and he was raised on a farm.  I liked that about him.  He was a hard worker, was very physical fit (WooHoo for that), played football and wrestled.  But best of all, he treated me like a Queen.  He was so kind to me and we loved being together.  It was a match made in Heaven.  So after all these years of us being together I shouldn't be surprised that he has tuned our little half acre lot into a small farm.  After all, I knew he was a farm kid when I married him.  I guess I just didn't think we would ever have a small farm of our own.   It has happened gradually.  First we started with the two dogs, my awesome cat (I ok'd that one)and then a goat (which was cute when he was a baby...)  He added a bee hive last year and now we have a darling floppy eared bunny and 13 chickens that wander the yard.  Yes, we do get fresh eggs everyday and that is nice, but holy cow.  That is a lot of mouths to feed!!  The whole point of this story is one of the greatest things that makes our house a home are the giggles that we hear when Chloee has her baby bunny wrapped in a blanket so she can hold him, Or the way Ghavan yells for Oreo.  And that dang dog Higgins.  He loves trucks... we don't know why.  But if one drives by, he chases it!  Poor Kylan has yelled at that dang dog more times that we can count.  It was absolutely hilarious when we tried walking to church this past Sunday and all 13 chickens were right behind us.  I insisted that Eric walk back to the house so his little lady chickens would follow him home. 
Thank you for letting me share a little more about our family and our home.     
So remember, no matter how you choose to decorate your home, don't forget about the small little things that truly make a home feel good.  Laughter of family or friends, good food, great music, and even a dog or too.  One of my favorite sayings is "Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful".  Enough Said!!
Thank you for spending part of your day with us and enjoy your weekend.


  1. Loved this post. I truly needed to hear that right now. Thank u mandy.

  2. You have a beautiful family Mandy!
