Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday, April 5th

Good Morning OTA Friends! So I am getting this post out much earlier today and apologize for the crazy schedule with all of our post this past couple weeks. I have debated whether or not to post this because it is somewhat personal, but we thought it would be a good idea to let you all know what is going on around our crazy home. The Ugly Cancer Monster has struck our family once again and I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer this past Friday. We have been so blessed because we found it early! We have a 99% chance of beating this which is awesome! Of course there will be surgery and treatment which doesn't sound very fun to me, but all is well. It is amazing how much we appreciate the great things in life and the things that really matter when we are giving hard trials. I am so grateful for the greatest husband in the world. He has been amazing and is truly my best friend. My kids are awesome! A few tears were shed when we told them, but they are back to normal and loving me more than I thought they could. I have never had so many hugs, kisses and I Love You Mom's. The rest of our family and friends have been awesome. We have been in great spirits, but I won't lie, I have had moments of tears, but that is usually because of the sweet and kinds things that have been done and said, not the cancer itself.

The reason I wanted to share this with you is to let you know we will be going on as usual. If it does take us a little longer to return your call or email you, it may be because we are dealing with this crazy trial. We will try and keep things normal, but we may have a hickup every now and then. We will continue to post sale items every day and continue to get the orders out as quickly as possible. Please continue to order as usual!! We appreciate all of you for supporting our business and purchasing our creations.

Whew, Ok, enough of the cancer story, let's get on to something fun.

How about a New SALE Item for today???

We designed these Lazy Days Of Summer Blocks last year and Love Them! Some of you made them at our ~Make It With Mandy~ Craft class last summer. We are offering them as a sale item today. Regular Price is $28.00 - On Sale for 50% OFF - Sale Price is $14.00.

As most of you know we hand craft all of our SALE ITEMS after the orders are placed. This allows us to sell our items at a SALE PRICE because we aren't sitting on extra inventory. This also allows us to offer different colors on many of our larger everyday items. We are committed to getting your orders completed and ready for pickup or shipping within 5 business days after your order is placed. When ordering we encourage you to use our BUY NOW option that is below this post on our blog - will help us process your order quicker!! When using the BUY NOW option below you are able to process your payment using your Pay Pal account or a Credit or Debit Card. We still accept payment at the time of pick up if this payment process works better for you. If you choose the BUY NOW option to purchase your items, please email us with the details of your order at


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your cancer, luckily you caught it early. good luck with your treatments. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Laurie Nelson

  2. Mandy I just read this and I am so sorry. I was out of town over spring break and not keeping up with things as I normally do. My heart goes out to you and your family. I agree with you; ladies please get your mammograms as it could save your life. Breat cancer runs in my family and this past year when another aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer my doctor had me do the breast cancer gene test. I thank God that I do not have the gene as so many of my aunts and grandmother did. I will be praying for you daily as you recover taking it one day at a time. Remember to lean on God's strength and He will carry you through. Love you girl!
