Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday, May 5th
Good Morning My Friends!  I feel like it has been forever since I posted on our blog.  I  have gotten used to posting every morning and I have missed it.  What a week!  I actually don't remember a lot of it because I have been sleeping a lot.  My surgery (Double Mastectomy/Reconstructive) was Tuesday Morning and everything went well.  I have been really sore and super tired.  I have heard other people describe after being sick that just getting up and taking a shower is exhausting.  I now know what that feels like.   My two doctor's were amazing and so kind.  This was not an easy step in our lives, but definitely a necessary one and I am so grateful for their compassion with us.   It definitely made everything much easier.  It was a lot easier to accept the fact that I had cancer before surgery, because I felt great and continued to do everything in my daily schedule.  Now that I have been awake for a couple days and am very limited to my physical ability, I am starting to go CRAZY!  I am a goer (if that is a word)  I hit the floor running in the morning and usually run all day!  I Love being productive and always have something going on.  It is hard sitting in a bed thinking about all the things I would love to do.  I told myself this wouldn't happen, but dangit...... it is happening.  So here I am this morning typing an entery on this blog because it makes me feel much better!!!! 
As far as the surgery the double mastectomy was done and the reconstructive surgery was started.  I had expanders put in that will stretch the skin over the next three months so implants can be put in place.   My dear friend Lee (who is a nurse) stopped by yesterday and told me that everything looks really good.  That was encouraging.  I have nothing to compare my new look too, so it was nice to hear what she had to say.  Thanks Lee!!!

I just have to say how Thankful I am that this cancer was found when it was.   What a MIRACLE.  For any of you who don't believe Miracles happen daily, I am here to testify that they do.  This whole process has been nothing short of a miracle.  I feel so blessed and know that My Heavenly Father is 100% aware of me and my family and our lives here on this earth.  He is aware of each one of us!  We received the pathology reports yesterday (from the surger) and there were other cancer cells located in the right breast.  The left side looked great and were negative which is awesome!  None of the cells they found were invasive and the lumphnodes were great!  I am so grateful!  I have posted many times about my sweet husband and kids.  I absolutely love my Eric.  He has been so sweet to me.  Many of you know he has a disease in his back and struggles with it daily.  Moving for him is very hard at times, yet he has been right there for me lifting me in and out of bed and taking care of my every need.  (sniff, sniff)  To me, that is True Love.  I love you babe and am so grateful you are my eternal companion.  What would I do without you?  My sweet kids have been so concerned.  I have received more kisses than I thought imaginable.  I love you three more than I can express.  You are my life.  I am just so blessed!

I have often said and heard others say why do bad things happen to people?  I think I know......  because when hard/bad things happen to people the good side of others is brought out and the pure love of Christ is shown.  I cannot tell you how much you all mean to us.  My kids have never eaten so good!  The food, treats, cards, emails, posts on our blog, flowers, a beautiful quilt and visits have been so amazing and so very humbling.  I cannot express how much it means to us.  I simply cannot.....  I wish I could!!   Please know when we say "ThankYou!" that it comes straight from our hearts along with tears.  We simply appreciate and love you all.  Another Friend of mine gave me this tile.  It is sitting by the side of my bed and reminds me that ~ I Can Do Hard things..... ~ We can all do hard things.  No matter who we are, we will all be given hard things and I believe we can all work through them.  Usually it takes another person's hand pulling us through or encouraging us along the way.  A lot of times it is from someone we cannot physically see,  but together we can do hard things!!!

We have had some of you inquiring about your orders.  We will resume work in the shop on Monday (Well, Eric and the guys will - I'm think I will be out for a bit) and will start contacting you as soon as your orders are ready for pick up.  If any of you need your orders quickly, please email us and let us know.  We will make sure your order are done.  Thank You!!!

Enjoy Your Day!
On The Avenue
Home Decor & Gifts

1 comment:

  1. Your positive attitude is inspiring, and you are right -- the hard things are the ones that are worth it in the end. Thank you for sharing your story. Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Hang in there!
