Saturday, June 23, 2012

Saturday - June 23rd
Welcome to our ~Make Your House A Home~ post.  I really look forward to Saturday's because we get to share a little bit of our family with all of you.  And yes, I am home from Girls Camp and it was AWESOME! Yep, I said Awesome!  What an amazing experience and what a blessing for me to be there with such amazing women and young women.  My sweet husband drove me and six other girls up Tuesday.  He drove so he could come up and make things as comfortable as possible for me.  He helped set up our tent, cots, and made it as close to home as possible for me.  Like I mentioned before, camping is just not my thing.  But after these past few days, it will be fun to go again!!!

So today I thought it would be fun to share some of the items we have used outside in our flower gardens.  Of course it isn't enough for me to just decorate the inside of my house...... my decor just  tends to spill out of the house onto the porch and into the yard.  So here we go!

Rustic Doors And a Bench
This is a set of doors that are hinged together.  I have propped them up against my house in a flower bed.  Then I placed this bench in front of it.  My mother-in-law came over while I was recovering from surgery and planted some beautiful starts around the bench.  It will be beautiful when the starts grow larger.  This was a very simple thing and looks awesome!!

God Bless America
I love being an American.  I remember as a little girls getting goose bumps every time I saw the flag in a parade or a man/woman in uniform.  There is something very special to me about our country and about being patriotic.  We are so blessed to live in a country that is free.
  ~One Nation Under God~

Here is that birdhouse we put on sale a few weeks ago.
I love it and all the beautiful flowers I have growing around it.

 Day Lillie's
When we moved here 15 years ago there were two of these plants in a flower bed in the front yard.  I have moved them to multiple places in our yard over the years and love the green foliage.  They are beautiful!!

 Front Yard Flower Bed
Here is one of the flower beds in the front yard.  I have gotten most of the starts from my mother in law.  I am a huge fan of perennials.  I love that they come back every year.  

 Flower Pot
See this beautiful flower pot?  A friend of mine showed up one day with this pot years ago and gave it to me.  It was planted beautifully and I enjoyed it all summer long.  Since then, she has quietly come to my home and planted it for me multiple times.  I absolutely love it and it means the world to me.  Thank You Janice!!

 More Flowers
Here are just a few more flowers I have on my porch and in the flower gardens.  To be hones with you, I don't know some of the names.  Again, many of these came from my Mother-In-Law's garden.

An Old Rustic Door
This is another one of those treasures I was given.  Isn't this door fantastic?  A Friend of mine gave this to me when she and her husband remodeled their kitchen.  I placed it up against the house in a flower garden and hung a square twig wreath & sunflower board in the middle of the door.  I Love This!!!

 Welcome Rustic Sunflower
Years ago we had a booth in a craft show.  There was a booth just north of ours that was selling these fantastic rustic garden stakes.  At the end of the show all of the vendors were there cleaning up our booths and I mentioned to the vendor of this garden stake booth how great his product was.  As the conversation progressed we realized that we had a common acquaintance.  What a small world!  At the end of our conversation, he generously gave me this yard stake.  I have had it in my garden ever since and love it!  

Thank you for spending part of your day with us at 
On The Avenue!


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