Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday, July 21st
Welcome to ~Make Your House A Home~.  I am really excited to share today's post because I get to write a little about some of my favorite people.  Almost three years ago, Eric and I's little niece Ruthie joined our family through adoption.  She is the absolutely love of her parents life and we absolutely love her too!  Eric's little brother Steven and his wife (Kamarie) are hoping to add to their already wonderful family by adopting another angel.  Steve and Kam have been the most amazing parents to Ruthie and we are so excited for them to expand their family!!    
We have a lot of love to give!  We are excited to get to know you!
This is the message Kam posted on Facebook

Okay my friends, it is official.... Steve and I are hoping to adopt another little angel! If you would all please share the link to my profile, you can help us find the next member of our family. We may not know them yet, but you may! We love and appreciate all of you! Here is the link:
The blog link is still not complete, but we are working on it. Thank you all so much for your love and support!
If you have any question, please feel free to email us at 
Kam and Steve
STEVE and KAMARIE photo  STEVE and KAMARIE photo  STEVE and KAMARIE photo
Thank you for letting us share a little about some of our favorite people in the world!  You are also welcome to contact Eric or I at with any questions.  

Thank You for Sharing Part Of Your Day With Us At
~On The Avenue~


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