Saturday, July 28, 2012

Saturday, July 28th
Welcome to our Saturday post ~Make Your House A Home~.  We love this post and love sharing it with all of you.  We share things that ~Make Our House A Home~.  We share everything from decorating ideas to fun things about our family..... pretty much anything that adds to our home and makes it better. 
I really don't think my mind ever shuts off from creating.  My mind is always running with ideas for our business and also ideas for our home.  I am very inspired by other's creations and love looking at ideas others have come up with.  One of my favorite blogs is Down to Earth Style.  I was looking on Pinterest (which is super fun site for ideas) and came across the coolest old door that was put in a new home.  I continued onto her blog and Absolutely LOVE it.  She is so creative and fun.  I emailed her and told her how impressed I was with her talent and thanked her for sharing with all of us.  She is originally from Northern Utah and attended the high school that my husband teaches at now.  Talk about a small world.....  The following picture is of her Master Bedroom.  Isn't it beautiful?

Her Blog Address is 

One of the things that caught my eye was the afghan on her bed.  After seeing it, I looked for almost 6 months to find a beautiful throw for my bed and couldn't find one that I liked..... and then the thought came to me.  I could crochet one!!!  My mom taught me how to crochet when I was younger.  Several years ago I crocheted afghan's for all of Eric's siblings and his parents for Christmas.  Needless to say.... I haven't picked up a crochet hook since then.  It killed me!!!  I was crocheting Christmas Eve trying to finish the last one and when I finally put it down - That was it!  No more crocheting for me!  It has probably been 8 or 9 years so I am over that and decided to get to work.  Our bedroom furniture is red with a dark glazed finish on it.  I have a tan and red bedspread, so I decided to use an off white yarn.  This is what i have so far...  It is one of those things I try and work on late at night when I am sitting.  Kylan (My oldest son) saw me crocheting and asked me if I was trying to relieve stress or something.  He thought it was really funny that I was crocheting!!  Like I mentioned, it has been several years since my last crocheting experience and he probably didn't even know I could do it.  So many different aspects go into ~Making A House A Home~ and this week's project is this Afghan for my bed. 

Thank you for all of your well wishes and prayers.  I seriously can't believe I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  My mom said to me the other night "I just can't believe you had breast cancer" and I can't agree more.  What a crazy journey this life is.    I am actually going in for my third surgery at the end of next week which takes us one step closer to ending this cancer chapter.   My last surgery was the first of May where I had a double mastectomy and expanders put in to stretch the skin and muscles so implants could be put in.  I am done stretching and ready for those soft implants.  These expanders are hard and uncomfortable and not much fun.   I am hoping my arms are mobile enough to finish this afghan up while I am down.  I will post pictures when my beautiful afghan is finished and laying on my bed.  

Enjoy Creating and thank you for spending part of your day with us here at ~On The Avenue~

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