Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday, August 18th
Good Morning and Welcome To ~Make Your House A Home~.  This fun post where we share different decorating ideas and crazy things about our family that ~Make Our House A Home~  I love this post because it gives me an excuse to do cute things around our home.  My favorite projects are those that I can start and finish quickly.  A few weeks ago I shared this picture from The Down To Earth Style Blog (Which I absolutely love).  I LOVE her bedroom and especially love the afghan that is on her bed.
   I started the afghan and promised to share when I finished it. Well..... It's done.  I learned this stitch from my mom and love it.  It is a quick stitch and came together quite fast.  We take Sunday's off from working in our shop (which is so needed after 6 days out there), so I spent a few Sunday afternoons working on it.   This afghan adds a great softness to the already soft bed and I love it!!  Check It Out.....   
I added a little fringe on the end.  Love It!!
  Aren't these pillows super great?  A great friend of mine pieced these quilt pieces together for me a couple of years ago.  I couldn't decide if I wanted them framed or made into pillows, so I have been hanging on to them for a while.  After much thought (and great advice from another friend - Linda) I made pillows!  They are so cute and am so grateful Rachel shared her talent with me.  Thanks a bunch Rachel!!
 One of the greatest blessings that come from our business is all the people we meet that share the same passion we do.  I have a dear friend (Miss Amy!) who eats, drinks and sleeps decorating too.  We love the same Rustic, Country, Primitive feel and decorate very similar.  I asked her if we could share pictures of her home on our blog.  She is working on a few more rooms and then she said she would share!!!  WooHoo, I can't wait!!  
Amy texted me a few weeks ago and asked if I wanted to run to town with her.  She had to pick up some fabric for some curtains she was making for her children's bedrooms.  I was already heading into town, so I met her and we had a blast.  While looking for curtain fabric, she spotted this darling Rooster fabric.  I just couldn't help myself.  I bought a couple yards, knowing I could come up with something to make.  I'm not a seamstress, but I can make pillows.  So that is what I did.  I already had two old pillow forms, so I sewed a cover for the pillows and Tadaa!!!  
 Then I had a big problem...... Where was I going to put them?  We have a smaller home and don't have a lot of room that isn't already taken up by something "CUTE".   So I placed the pillows on two of my kitchen chairs.  They look perfect there!!  This was a VERY In-Expensive project and VERY Quick!  Remember, I Love those QUICK Ideas. 
I made a delivery this week to another great friend Laura (Hi Laura).  Her house is beautiful and has such a warm, welcoming feel to it.  I also asked her to share some pictures of her home with all of us and she said ok!  Another Big WooHoo!!! (Get excited, these two homes are beautiful).   I noticed a set of canisters on her kitchen counter.  She told me she has had them for several years in her basement and decided to spray them so they would match her kitchen.  That got me thinkin'........  I have a set of canisters my sweet sister Tori gave me when we got married ~ all those many years ago.  They don't match the decor in my home anymore, but they are one of my priceless treasures.  I took them out of storage and Eric SPRAYED them Antique Gold for me. 
I LOVE THEM!!!  Eric also added a stain finish over the Antique Gold which added so much.  This only took about 10 minutes from start to finish!  I would love to add some burlap or vinyl onto the front, but thought I would enjoy them just plain for a while.  Thanks for the inspiration Laura!

Another quick thing I did in our room was re-arrange some furniture so I could have a reading corner.  I have never been a big reader, but have realized I need some quiet time to process my thoughts and enjoy the peaceful feelings that come when we allow them too.  This is an old Rocking Chair I picked up at a thrift store.  I brought it home, sanded it down and painted it black.  A little distressing and clear coat and I have a thinking chair.  I really should call it my "Time Out" chair.  I would love to be put in "Time Out" Everyday!  I placed a quilt over the edge, a basket on the floor by the chair for my crocheting & books and also a rustic screen door to the side.  I have hung a round twig wreath on the screen door with a piece of fabric.  I love it.  It is very simple and peaceful.
I added a cute frame of my children on my night stand (which I can see from my "Time Out" area) and I Love it.  During those quite times, I am reminded of what really matters!!

Thanks again for sharing part of your day with us here at On The Avenue.  Have a wonderful weekend!!


1 comment:

  1. Mandy, those canisters turned out GREAT! What an awesome idea to use the stain, too! :) I sure love you!
