Saturday, October 20, 2012

Good Morning Everyone!!!  
Did you all wonder where I have been?  Let's just say the orders are piling up and we are trying to dig out!!! I have found myself working from early morning until late night and my blog up-dates have been neglected.  There is only so much time in the day and well................. I have been running out. 
I have mentioned before that I just love this time of year.  Halloween is just around the corner which means Thanksgiving and then CHRISTMAS - WooHoo!!!  I am sure most of you have heart of Pinterest before.  I frequent that wonderful site often and am always finding new ideas, recipes and so much more.  Here are some of the fun ideas I have pinned for Halloween~


Goodie Jars  Pumpkin Poop
  Pretzel sticks, marshmallows and white chocolate - Looks like bones!  Candy Corn Colored White Chocolate Pretzels



halloween crafts


Want To Make....
To Decorate With
Fun decoration..take old books and paint them
To Give Away
ghost peep~smores
mmmmmm ~ To Eat!
pumpkin rice krispie treats with tootsie roll stump- cute!

Pumpkin Cake - Great Idea!

Thanks for spending part of your day with us here at 
On The Avenue!

Enjoy This Halloween Season!

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