Monday, October 8, 2012

Good Morning Friends!!!
I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!!  We had a wonderful conference weekend and loved spending time as a family.  We even cooked a Turkey Breast (thanks for the idea Lori) and it was FANTASTIC!!!  What a great way to start off the next few holiday months.  YUMMY!!!

How about another Christmas Sale Item???
This HOHOHO Block Set 
is darling and would be cute in any Christmas Display.  
Each block is 4"x 4" - Blocks all together stretch 24" across.
ON SALE for $13.00

To place an order for this HOHOHO Block Set, please email us at, call us at 435-755-8471 or use the BUY NOW option below.  We encourage you to use the BUY NOW option which allows you to purchase this sale item with your Paypal account or a credit/debit account.  We will contact you as soon as your order is ready for shipment or pick up.  Have a wonderful day!!!

We also have a winner for last week's Jack - O - Lantern Box.
Congratulations to Cathy Babbitt -
Please email me Cathy and we can set up a time for you to pick this up!!

Today's DRAWING ITEM is our
Halloween Bead Box
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please send us an email at or leave a comment on this post!!!
Good Luck To Everyone!

Enjoy Your Day!!


  1. These are so dang cute... and would look super cute in my family room! Thanks Mandy!

  2. Mandy,

    Enter me into the drawing please. Thanks!


    P.S. Did you get my email from last week?

  3. Cute cute!! I love the spider in the middle. Enter me please :) I am also a follower :)

  4. This too cute Mandy!! Lovin All my new decorations I've bought so far!!
    Julie Potter

  5. Mandy,

    I love it! Please enter me into the weekly drawing. I am also a follower of your blog.

  6. Love that Halloween bead board! LOVE!!

  7. Super cute Halloween board! Please enter me in. I'm a devoted follower of your blog. :)

  8. I love this one! Please enter me and you know I'm a follower! :)

  9. I love this!!! please enter me in the drawing and i am definitely a follower


  10. Please enter me in your drawing. I'm a follower!!

  11. Hi mandy, I already bought one of these, but would love to have one for inside my house :) you can never have to many of one thing ;) thank you...kandie dunsey
