Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happy Night Time Everyone!!
Welcome to ~Make Your House A Home~.  Our Saturday post where we share ~What Makes Our House A Home~.  First of all, what a beautiful Snow Storm.  It looks like a Winter Wonderland outside and feels like it too.  BRRRR!  It sure is Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!  Christmas is my favorite time of year and being in the business that we are, Christmas starts early around here.  We have so much coming up in the next couple weeks, so I decided to transform our home into a Christmas Cottage early.  It has been so much fun.  I have worked on it a little each day for the past week.  (usually late at night)   I messaged my friend on facebook that took our family pictures asking her how to take a picture of a Christmas Tree and guess what????  She came over and took pictures for me!!!  Thanks a million Mandy!
(Check out her blog   
Come with me as I show you some of the fun decorating we have done in our home for this beautiful Christmas season.

This is the large tree in our front room.  Isn't this picture beautiful.  I am so glad Mandy came over and helped.  Mine don't look at all like this.
 This picture shows how I decorated around the bottom of the tree.  I have placed some fun matching Christmas pillows under the tree along with a handmade candy cane that my friend Amy and I made.  Super Cute!  I also placed my old black rocking chair next to the tree with a Christmas runner, a snowman and another pillow.  Beautiful!!!
 As you can see, we have ornaments all over the tree.  We have added red poinsettia leaves and so much more.

 Being home for the holidays is such a blessing for us. 

 Don't you love this candy cane?  My friend Amy and I made them.  We cut them from Muslin fabric, taped them off and painted them.  We tied  a burlap bow on and Tadaa!!  Beautiful!

Thanks for spending part of your day with us.
Enjoy your weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post Mandy! The tree looks great on there. Thanks again for letting me come and take pictures that benifited both me and you! Love ya!!

    I would love to have you all over to my blog!
