Saturday, December 1, 2012

Welcome to ~Make Your House A Home~ where we share fun ideas that ~Make Our House A Home~  I absolutely love putting up Christmas Tree's in all of our bedrooms.  Here are some pictures of the tree we put up in Chloee's room.  It was very in-expensive and really fun for Chloee and I.  We did everything together and had a blast. (It's all about the memories)
This is a picture of a breast cancer ribbon a dear friend of mine made for me and we just had to add it to our tree! ( Thanks Julia - :)  I purchased a box of  48 pink and purple ornaments at Wal-mart for a great price.  I added black wire hangers onto each one and wow,  we sure filled up her tree.  

 Chloee is a big fan of Build A Bear (Ok, so am I).  She has been collecting them for years, so we always incorporate them into her holiday decorations.  We wrapped a darling crocheted afghan (that Eric's mom made for her years ago) around the base of the tree for the tree skirt.  Then we placed her  Build A Bear friends around the bottom of the tree!  Super Cute huh?
 We sure love having a Pink Filled Tree.

 Another close up of the breast cancer ribbon 

 Another Fun bunny from Build A Bear - 

 Another small build a bear that we added onto the tree.  
 If you look close to this picture, you can see the pink candy canes.  We bought some plastic red and white candy cane ornaments at the dollar store and wrapped them in pink yarn.  It took Chloee and I about an hour and we filled her tree with them.  Again, another super easy, in-expensive idea.  The most important part is we did it together.  
 One more cute cuddly friend added to the tree. 
  Thanks for spending another fun Saturday with us.  Have a wonderful weekend and we will see you back here on Monday!!!


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