Saturday, January 5, 2013

Good Morning Saturday!!
Welcome to our Saturday Post ~Make Your House A Home~.  Today is a much better day than yesterday.  (Thanks Goodness!!!)  I am so grateful for a husband that can just figure things out and take care of our family.  After purchasing parts for the hot-water heater and spending quite some time trying to fix it, it was obvious to him that we needed a NEW HOT WATER HEATER!  Yikes, right after Christmas???  So he ventured out into the -15 degree weather last night, purchased a hot water heater, brought it home, tore the old one out and installed the new one.  That nice HOT shower last night was AWESOME!!!  I am so grateful he was able to fix that MAJOR problem of no hot water.  He was able to jump start the car (which needs a new battery), so at least the car isn't totally dead.  After about 5 hours of sleep yesterday, Ky woke up with his Migraine gone and Chloee and I had a great day being together.  I was so grateful waking up this morning to the simple pleasures in life that we are so blessed with...... Hot Water, Running Vehicles and healthy children.....
A big thank you to everyone who sent well wishes yesterday.  A friend even offered her car to me (Thanks Heather). We are so blessed!!  We hope you all have a wonderful and prosperous year - ~Go 2013~

Have A Wonderful Weekend!!
Enjoy those simple pleasures

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