Friday, February 8, 2013

Happy Friday and a
Big Congratulations to Our Family!!  
Our Family has grown by FOUR feet - 
After our Sweet Higgins died a few months ago, my kiddos have been really sad.  So their awesome mother (wink) gave them the surprise of a lifetime at Christmas.
We have a wonderful Christmas Eve together as a family.  We opened each others gifts, read from the scriptures, recorded our Christmas book and then I told them I had ordered something, but we wouldn't get it until February!  I told them they could only have it if we called "HIM" Chett!  
Tears just streamed down my kids faces.  It was the most incredible surprise ever.  I think the most shocking thing about this whole surprise was that "I" was the one who allowed this.  
(remember, I am new at this animal/farm thing)
I looked at Eric and he had a total look of Shock On His Face.  I was so proud of myself for pulling this surprise off.  Then he dropped the bomb...... he had another lab on hold somewhere else.  Apparently Great Minds Think Alike!  
Thank heavens we were able to cancel that order.  There is not room for eight more legs around here.  
So Chett arrived at our home last night around 9:00 and what a night!  The kids are sure he needs to be in the house (in a kennel) for now because it is so cold.  I agree.....I even agreed at 12:30 a.m.when he was still whining because he wanted us to be with him.  (He will be an outside dog as soon as it warms up a little)  Eric was a real trooper and got up with him for a while.  He is just like a baby.  Once Eric held him, he was very content and slept.  Thank goodness Kylan relieved Eric part of the way through the night and slept on the hard wood kitchen floor with him the rest of the night.  I told the kids, he is not to go on the carpet!!!
This was Chett's first bath last night.  He is so cute!!!

Enough about Chett for now!!

How About Another Spring SALE ITEM?
SPRING Block Set
This is a very simple Spring Block Set.  
No paper, fabric, or extras..
I love the simplicity of this set.
Finished Spring Block Set - 
On Sale - $19.00
Unfinished Spring Block Set -
On Sale - $15.00
(Kit includes wood blocks and vinyl)
To place an order for these SPRING Blocks, please email us at or use the BUY NOW Option Below.  We encourage you to use the BUY NOW option which allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Card. 

Finished Spring Block Set

Unfinished Spring Block Set

Have A Wonderful Day!!!
(Let's hope we all get some good sleep tonight - LOL)

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