Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!  
I wanted to share something my sweet cousin (Michelle) posted on her Facebook today.  It was perfectly said......

"I have many people in my life who have seen hardship and trials. I know that they will have a difficult time today. I want them to know I love them all. Valentines isn't just about the romantic love, but the love we can all feel from the one who loves us most, our Father in Heaven. So to those who may not have someone to go home to tonight, know that the Lord loves you and so do I!!! Happy Valentines Day!"

I couldn't have said this any better.  I think Valentine's Day can be a wonderful day for some and a hard day for others.  No matter who you are, you are loved more than you know!!!
A Big Happy Valentine's Day To Everyone!!

We have another Super Cute Spring Sale Item
Spring Subway Art Sign
24" Tall x 12" Wide
Available in Pink, Lavender, Light Blue & Soft Green
White Vinyl On All
Finished Sign
~ On Sale For $21.00~
Unfinished Kit  
~On Sale For $15.00~
(Kit includes wood & white vinyl)
 To place an order for this 
Spring Subway Art Sign - please email us at or use the BUY NOW option below.  We encourage you to use the BUY NOW option which allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Card.  Shipping will be figured on an individual basis and a separate invoice will be sent for the shipping amount.  Please allow 10 business days for your order to be ready for pick up or shipment.  We will notify you when your order is complete.  

Finished Spring Subway Art

Unfinished Spring Subway Art Kit

Have a Great Valentine's Day!

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