Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Good Morning Friends -
I had the greatest night last night.  I am in charge of the Beehive Group (12&13 Year Old) Girls in my ward and it has been such a blessing in my life.  For any of you who are not familiar with the LDS church, here is a little background of our Youth Organization (that is fantastic by the way).  We have three different groups of Young Women - Beehives (12 &13 Year Old), MiaMaids (14 &15 Year Old) and Laurels (16, 17 & 18 Year Old)  We meet with them in church on Sundays and again on Tuesday evenings for activities.  We have done everything from service projects, baking, athletics and so much more for our activity nights.  The girls are in charge of picking the activity and then we as their leaders, help them put it all together.  I absolutely love working with our Young Women.  

So last night was one of our activities and we went to the JUMP ZONE!  For any of you who do not know what the Jump Zone is, let me tell you.  It is a BIG building with trampolines.  Some of the trampolines have foam pits under them, some have basketball hoops, and others are there to just jump on.  The girls insisted that I jump with them, so being the Young Vibrant Leader that I am (ok, only in my dreams), I put on the bracelet and jumped right in.  It was so much fun.  Boy, jumping on a tramp is a sure way of feeling your age.   Not only did my body not work the way my mind thought it should while jumping, but my body is really telling me this morning that I need to work out a little more.  LOL  One of the hardest parts of this whole trampoline experience is climbing out of that dang foam pit after I graciously landed my double back flip - Haha, just kidding.  It was only a cannon ball.  Thank goodness I had some darling girls lend me their hands and pull me out of the never ending foam pit.  

It was so much fun and I am so grateful I get to work with such wonderful girls.  They are so kind and loving toward each other and those they do not even know.  Thank you girls, for being such wonderful examples to me.  I want to be just like you..... (and that includes young and skinny again).

So...... Speaking of Young Women..... 
Today's SALE Item is perfect for Young Women Of All Ages.  Again in the LDS church, we have a wonderful program set up to help our young girls make good choices in their lives.  There are eight values in this program which challenge the girls to increase their growth both spiritually, mentally and physically.  

is a super cute sign with all the values listed.
 This Young Women's Sign is 18" Tall x 5" Wide.  
It is available in Purple (shown in picture), Pink, Sweet Annie Green or black and comes with white vinyl.  We have added a cute bow to add a little texture.  Super Cute HUH???
Finished Sale Price - $13.00
Unfinished Kit Price - $10.00
(Kit includes wood, vinyl & tool)
If you are interested in ordering several kits for your young women to make at an activity, please email us at and we will work out separate pricing for you.  
To place an order for this finished sign or an unfinished kit, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option below.  We encourage you to use the BUY NOW option which allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Card.  Orders will be ready 10 business days after order is placed.  We will contact you when your order is ready for shipment or pickup.

Finished Young Women Value Sign
Unfinished Young Women Value Sign Kit
Have a Great Day!!

For more information about the youth programs the LDS Church Offers, please go to

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