Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hey Friends!!
Welcome To ~Make Your House A Home~ We had the most wonderful day today!  It was one of those days that puts life into perspective and once again has helped me realize what really matters in life.  I simply love our family and friends and am so blessed for all of them!!  I have mentioned that our family belongs to the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints and it is the biggest blessing of our lives.  When a child turns eight years old they are given the opportunity to be baptized if they choose to do so.  
(For more information about The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints, please see the church's web-site) 

Today..... my sweet Chloee was baptized and it was the most amazing day.  We had such wonderful support from our family and friends.  We are just so blessed!!  Eric's mom made her dress and let's just say...... it could have been a wedding dress.  She went with her grandma and picked out the pattern and fabrics.  I am sure at least 20 hours later, the dress was finished and beautiful.  She twirled and twirled and twirled and twirled!!!  It was a little girls dream come true!!  

Isn't her dress beautiful?  I must say the boys are quite handsome too!!!  Where does the time go?  They were just babies!!  I am so thankful for my kiddos and my hot hubbie!!! (wink)
 They really are best friends and the boys really love and protect her.  They really love to tease her too! The best of both worlds! 
This is an amazing picture and Chloee is so blessed.  Eric's parents (Boyd & Sheri - (the dress maker)) are on the left, my mom and dad (Mike and Wendy) are just to the right of me and my Grandma and Grandpa Pearce are next to my mom.  What a blessing grandparents are.  Today was also my Grandma's 80th Birthday, so we had balloons and cards for her at our luncheon after the baptism.  We love her so much!  Chloee actually has another set of Great Grandparents (Grandma and Grandpa Abbott) and another Great Grandmother (Grandma Shirley) that couldn't be with us today. It is such a blessing to have such wisdom and love in our family!!   We love you all!!! 
This is Chloee and Johnny!  They are only 4 months a part and we are often asked if they are twins.  
Gotta Love Cousins!!!
Here are some of the cousins from my side of the family. 
 (We were only missing four cousins in this picture) 
We got pictures of the cousins from Eric's side, but it wasn't with my camera.  We will have to get a copy of those!
We all went to Firehouse Pizzeria after the Baptism.  It was delicious and so much fun.  Our waiters were awesome and did such a great job.  We had over 30 of us (Whew - poor guys).  Here are some of the fun pictures from our lunch.  Thank goodness there were more cameras going off than ours.  I need to get a hold of more pictures.  But for now, this will work.

A Big Thanks to our wonderful families and friends for being such a great support to us!!  We love you all!
And Thanks to all of you for spending part of your day with us on our Special Day!!!

We hope you all enjoy your weekend and we will see you back here on Monday!!


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