Monday, March 18, 2013

Welcome to ~Make Your House A Home~ Monday edition, because Saturday was too beautiful and my yard needed some spring cleaning.  Boy, we got a lot of work done and my body is a little sore.  It feels so good when I can check things off my list.  Thanks to my cute kiddos and husband for all their help.  It is wonderful having two teenage boys around the house.  They have been so much help.

So here are a couple fun projects I have been working on for our home.   Check out this Super Cute Rooster board.  I absolutely LOVE THIS!! 
 A Friend of ours gave us some scrap wood and in that assortment was this piece of molding.  I didn't take a picture of this board before I painted it, but here are a couple pictures of this board once I painted it Antique white.  It took me a few minutes to paint and let dry.  I just used an antique white craft paint this time.   

 After the paint dried, I sanded all the edges giving it this rustic look.   I love the really rustic look, so I sanded it quite a bit.  Then I added a dark stain finish over the paint.  I took a Q-Tip and added stain into all of the cracks giving it a darker look.  I wiped of the extra stain and TaDaa!!

I  purchased three rooster hooks about six months ago at Hobby Lobby.  They were 50% off and I knew I could use them for something.  When I saw this board, I knew I had found the home for these roosters.  They went on perfect!! 

I just used some silver screws that were in the shop.  They didn't match, so I took some black paint and painted over the screws.  (see the one on the right).  It looked much better once the screws were painted.  

Once again, here if the final project.  Not sure where it is going yet, but I am sure I will find the perfect spot!!

Here is another quick project I put together in a matter of minutes!!!  Yes, I said a matter of minutes.  I found these old cabinet doors at a thrift store quite a while ago.  They were already painted, so I grabbed them and brought them home.  Again, I wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, but for a couple bucks, I couldn't pass it up.   

I picked up these door knobs at Hobby Lobby the same day I purchased my rooster hooks.  I think they are perfect with the cabinet doors.  I still need to find a place for these also, but I am sure I won't have a problem doing that!!

 My Two 10 Minute matching cabinet doors!

It probably only took me a total of one hour to finish both of these projects.  That is my kind of project.  I love a project I can start and finish really quickly....... then sit back and enjoy!

Thanks for spending part of your day with us here at
~On The Avenue~


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