Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Monday Everyone!
We had a fantastic weekend.  The weather was beautiful and the Easter Bunny even made it to our house safe and sound!  He scattered 100 plastic eggs all over the house and left a trail into our boys and Chloee's room.  Chloee was actually quite freaked out about the Easter Bunny coming into her room while she was asleep and insisted Kylan walk her to our bedroom when she woke up.  Apparently we need to tell the Easter Bunny to just leave the eggs in the front room from now on.  

We have a winner for Last Week's Wreath Frame.  Congratulations To Renee!!  Thanks for leaving a comment on our blog.  Please send me an email at and let me me know what color you would like your wreath frame.  A Super Big Thanks to everyone who entered our drawing.

Today's Drawing Item Is This Welcome Burlap Sign
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at or leave a comment on this post.  We will announce the winner on Monday!!
Good Luck To Everyone!

Have a Great Day!