Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy Monday Everyone!!!
We had a great weekend as a family!  It was one of those times where we really enjoyed being together.  Eric and I have been amazed at how big our kids have gotten.   Ghavan and Ky have grown inches this year.   We are looking them in the eye, well actually we have to look up a little to see their eyes.  I just can't believe how the time flies.  I remind myself often to enjoy this time, because all too soon this time with our kids will be part of the past. (sniff, sniff)  Everyone of us are so blessed to have people in our lives that we love and care for.  
~I am so grateful Families Are Forever~ 

I just finished up Today's SALE Item and I can't wait to put it somewhere in our home.......
We are all "home bodies" in our family, so this saying fits our family perfect!!
Home ~ Our Favorite Place To Be
This Frame/Sign is 36" Tall x 28" Across.  
(This is a Big/Fantastic Size)
Wreath with Burlap Bow is included!!
finished frame On Sale ~$48.00 
To place an order for this ~Home ~ Our Favorite Place To Be, please email us at or use the BUY NOW Option above.  We encourage you to use the BUY NOW option above which allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Card.  Please allow 14 business day for your order to be complete.  We will contact you when your order is ready for shipment or pick up.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.

We also have a winner 
for the Wreath Frame from last Monday's Drawing.  Congratulations to........
~Susann Lunday~
Send me an email and we can set up a time for you to pick this up.  Thanks to everyone who entered last week.

This Week's Drawing Item is....... 
(drum roll please)
Another Wreath Frame With Wreath
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please leave a comment on this post or email us at
Good Luck To Everyone!!!

~have a wonderful day and hug your family~


  1. I have a question---when is your next Super Saturday? and AM I in the drawing?

  2. super awesome, I sure want to win!!


  3. Please enter me in your drawing!! I love this!!

  4. Cute wreath frame! Love it.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. Love your products and talent! Hope to win this =)

  6. I would love to be entered in the drawing.
