Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happy Saturday and Welcome To ~Make Your House A Home~.  Our Saturday post where we share some of the fun things that ~Make Our House A Home~.  
Can I just say that selling a house has been really crazy.  We have had it on the market for about three days now and and it has been really exciting.  We have had many calls and have shown it several times including a home tour over SKYPE!  Who would have thought???  

On Top of finishing orders, I found myself working on a quick project for Chloee's room.  This was a lamp my friend was getting rid of and I snatched it right up.  The green didn't match Chloee's curtains, so I decided to add a little fun to this lamp shade.

 The Glue Gun is out and ready to go!!
I couldn't wait to get started!

 I purchased three bundles of daisies at the craft store.  They were 50% off which always makes me happy!!  I bought the bundles that had multiple pastel colors so it would be colorful.  I pulled each flower off the stem so I could glue them to the lampshade.  

I added hot glue to the back of each daisy and glued the bottom row of daisies on first.  I continued around the lamp shade row by row until it was covered.....

Here is the finished project!!!!!
It is super cute on her desk and was very inexpensive to make.  I was able to finish this project in less than 20 minutes.
I LOVE speedy projects.

This past week was Spring Break for my kids.  They all got to hang out with friends which made their break even better.  Chloee invited her friend Samantha over on Friday and these girls had a blast. Chloee had a box of Craft Sticks, glue, paint and a million ideas running through her head.  After much thought the girls decided to make Jewelry Boxes.... Thanks for the idea Google!
(They took their own pictures when they were done)

 Sam painted polka dots all over her lid.  Isn't she a cutie?  These two could move in together and be as happy as clams!  They could play for hours and it is never long enough.
Isn't being a kid wonderful?

Chloee painted a happy face on her lid using the knob for the nose.  
Needless to say, we had paint everywhere and happy faces to prove it.  I love making great memories!
These girls spent over 3 hours making these boxes and had such a wonderful time.  They didn't even stop for lunch, they just ate their sandwiches while they were working.  I was working on some other projects in the kitchen with them and enjoyed every minute of their conversations.  They are darling!!

Enough Fun...... I must get back to work (oh wait, that is fun) and selling our home.  Thank you for letting us share how we are ~Making Our House A Home~. 

 I've always said it's about the people that live here and the memories that are made!

Have a wonderful weekend.


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