Monday, June 24, 2013

Well Hello Everyone!!!  
~happy Monday morning to you all~
It has been way too long and we are super thrilled to be back and blogging again.  As we mentioned on our last post.... Summer orders are almost ready and our 4th of July orders will be done by July 1st.  We will contact you as soon as your orders are ready for pick up.  We are sending a Big Thank You to everyone for your patience while we moved from one home to another.  What a fun and crazy busy experience it has been.  We still have many boxes in the basement waiting to be unpacked, but hey...... if we need it we will unpack it right?  

Once again we are designing and working on items for our favorite time of year.  WooHoo For the Fall Season that leads into the most wonderful holiday season for our family.  We will now be posting Autumn Items as our Sale Items here on our blog starting today, so all orders will be ready for the Fall Season!!

Today's Sale Item is this darling 
Autumn Greetings Block Set
(Blocks reach 24"across)
Finished Block Set 
On Sale For ~ $22.00
Unfinished Block Kit 
On Sale For ~ $17.00
(Kit includes wood, paper and vinyl)
Paper may vary on this item depending upon availability

This is a darling block set and is perfect for any Fall/Autumn display. To place an order for this item, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  We will contact you when your order is ready for shipment or pick up.  Please allow 2-3 weeks for your order to be created.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.  

We also have a drawing winner from several weeks ago.  Remember those super cute firecrackers?????  
Congratulations to Ben & Tammy!!
Please email us and we can set up a time for you to pick up your firecrackers.

Today's Drawing Item is.....
This Star On Bead
If you would like your name entered into our Monday drawing, please email us at the above address or leave a comment on this post.  Good Luck To Everyone and
~have a super great day~