Monday, July 29, 2013

Good Monday Morning Friends!
We had a wonderful weekend!!!  A great friend of my boys stayed with us and we loved having him here.  We feel like we have three sons when he is here.  Chloee said he can be her "biggest brother".  We got hours and hours of work done and Eric still managed to take the boys fishing.  Chloee and I had a girls night with buttered popcorn and the movie"Tangled".  It was awesome.  We work a lot around our house, so we try really hard to spend time playing too.  Eric's Grandpa always said ~Work Hard.... Play Hard~.  I believe that is our family motto.  :)

How about another SALE ITEM???
How about our
Welcome Post & Toppers
  The Post is available in Antique White or Black.  
Post & Four Toppers -
On Sale For - $90.00  

If you already have the post and just need the toppers - 
Order for only $70.00

Fall Pumpkin
Halloween Witch

Thanksgiving Turkey

Christmas Santa
To place an order for this Welcome Post & Toppers (or just the toppers), please email us at or use the BUY NOW option(s) above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for these items using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit account.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.

We also have the Drawing Winner for the $25.00 Gift Card from last week.  A Big Congratulations to Janet Maurer!!!
Thank you to everyone who entered!

Today's Drawing Item is....
~The Leaves Are Falling Down~
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please email us at or leave a comment on this post.  We will post the winner of today's sign a week from today!  Good Luck to Everyone!

Have a Super Great Day!!!