Thursday, July 11, 2013

Good Morning and Happy Thursday????
(Not Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday!!) 
Where has this week gone?  
I had quite an adventure this morning that was very unexpected!   Eric left yesterday to be with our son at Scout Camp for a couple days.  I must admit, something interesting always happens and usually it has something to do with me, having to do something I know nothing about.  I have mentioned many times before that I married a farm boy and I didn't have one pet growing up.  So this whole farming & animal thing is a little hard for me because frankly, feeding and watering my cat is about all I do with our animals.    Eric has always told me he will take care of all the living things that do not live in our home, which he always has done, UNTIL HE IS NOT IN TOWN and the animals decide to do things they are not supposed to do.  

I was getting ready for the day and received a call from my sweet friend letting me know that our horses had worked their way out of the fenced area and were now heading at a quick speed southbound on the road. My first thought was...... well.............we don't need to go into that, but let's just say AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!  Thank goodness my oldest son (Ky, almost 16) did not go to scout camp and was close by at his grandpa's working on their farm.  My next thought was I should get in the car and find the horses (as if I would know what to do with them once we found them)  Then the doorbell rang.  My sweet neighbor Cole (well he is 15 and probably doesn't want to be called sweet, but to me, he is sweet) kindly told me that our horses were out.  I looked at him and said "Will you help me?"  He has been raised around horses his whole life, so this wasn't a problem to him.  He and his grandpa took off after the horses and I quickly taught myself how to start and drive our four wheeler.  (Yep, I didn't know how to do that either, but it is amazing how quickly we learn things when we have too).  Did I mention, someone borrowed our car and Eric had the truck, so the four wheeler was my only option besides my feet?  

Thankfully other neighbors came to the rescue along with my father-in-law the horses were finally captured and brought back to the field where they should have been to begin with.  I am so grateful nobody was hurt and everything turned out ok.  Chloee gave credit to the prayer she offered asking Heavenly Father to keep the horses and everyone safe.  Shortly after that, Eric called to see "How My Morning Was Going?"  I sweetly told him the story.  Well ok, I had a little sharpness in my voice and I told him of our fun morning we had without him.   I guess we shouldn't be surprised because every time he leaves something like this happens.  I just have to say I am so grateful for such amazing neighbors and friends.  We couldn't live in a better place.
We Love You All!!!

Whew..... Now, I think we should post a new SALE ITEM.
I absolutely Love These Birdhouses.
I have used them in displays on my porch and in my home.  These are two of my favorite colors to decorate with.
Each birdhouse is 16" Tall.  We have added a sunflower on one along with moss, berries and fabric on the other.
This Set of Two Birdhouses Is On Sale For $22.00.
This is a screaming deal.  If you would like to order the unfinished kits, the price is $18.00.  The kits include everything but the paint.

Set of 2 Birdhouses Finished
On Sale For $22.00
Set of 2 Birdhouses - Unfinished Kits
On Sale for $18.00

To place an order for these fantastic birdhouses, please email us at or use the BUY NOW options above.  We encourage you to use the BUY NOW options which allow you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal account or a credit/debit card.  Orders will be ready for pick up or shipment in 2-3 weeks.  We will contact you when your order is ready for pickup or shipment.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.

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