Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Happy Kinda Monday, but really Tuesday -
Yesterday was a super busy day and I just didn't get to our blog.  Ky has an EEG done yesterday and the results are in..... NORMAL!!!  It is such a relief, however, we are left with a little curiosity as to what caused his seizure.  We may never know, but for now, we are grateful everything looks normal and hope it never happens again!!!

Today's SALE ITEM is a newly designed and freshly made item.  This Fall Design is available in two different styles.  We have a Fall Block Set and a Fall Hanger.  Each set has burlap, which we absolutely LOVE!!!  Each block square is 7" x 7".  The FALL Hanger comes with a burlap handle for hanging.

Both of these items ARE IN STOCK!!!

FALL Block Set
On Sale for $24.00

FALL Hanger
On Sale For $24.00

To place an order for this FALL Block Set or FALL Hanger, please email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com or use the BUY NOW options above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for your item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Account.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.

The winner of our Fall Pumpkin Door hanger is 
Megan Stoker!!!
Congratulations Megan!  Send me an email and we can set up a time for you to pick this item up.  

Today's Drawing Item 
is our Happy Harvest Block Set.  If you would like your name entered into this drawing, please email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail or leave a comment on this post.

Have a Super Great Kinda Monday,
but really Tuesday!!!


  1. Hooray! I love your crafts!!! I will email you my info.

  2. I would love to be in the drawing. congrats on your sons good news! What a relief. Lacey

  3. I would love to be in the drawing! I love your crafts so much! They are so cute!!!
