Monday, August 5, 2013

Happy Monday Morning........

I am feeling very blessed this morning.  It was one of those weekends where we experience every emotion......  Remember those horses that like to roam?  They decided to roam again and only because Eric was camping with our oldest son Ky and his buddy Travis.  It took hours and three pastures later and finally by Friday night they were safely contained at Eric's parents farm.  It was exhausting and I was so overwhelmed from all the help that just appeared.  I am SOOOOO grateful for the wonderful friends and neighbor's we have.
Yesterday started like a normal Sunday morning for us.  Ghavan and I had meetings early, so we were up and going.  After our first church meeting, Ghavan brought me his phone which had a text from Eric.  It ready.... "Call me now.... We are okay..... It's Kylan.... He's is going to be ok."
That is not what I expected to read.   Eric had been trying to get a hold of us, but because we were at church, I turned my phone down.  He finally got a hold of my mom, who quickly drove to our church house to find me.   I stepped outside to call Eric and was told that my Ky was in the back of an ambulance on his way to the Evanston Hospital.  Eric and the boys have been camping in the Uintah mountains and that was the closest hospital.  Kylan had just woken up and told Eric Good Morning.  Eric looked at him and asked how he slept...... Kylan's eyes glassed over, rolled back into his head and he started shaking.....  A SEIZURE??????  Are you kidding me?   The seizure finally stopped after several minutes and Eric was able to lift him into the truck.  (Apparently there was a little dragging too (LOL).  Eric sped down the mountain and made a 911 call as soon as he had cell service.  Shortly after that call, Eric noticed the ambulance coming toward him.  They pulled off the road and put Ky into the ambulance.    After several hours in the hospital, blood work, a cat scan and other tests, Ky was released and they were on their way back to camp to get the trailer and come home.  I was so grateful.  I have never been away from one of my kids when they were sick or hurt and it was HORRIBLE!!!  I felt helpless, yet I felt so comforted.   My home was full of friends and family who stopped to help and the phone didn't stop ringing all day. I couldn't wait to wrap my arms around my Ky.  He is pretty worn out, tired and sore, but joking today about what happened.  (even though he doesn't remember most of it).  Now we are off to visit a few other doctors so we can get to the bottom of everything.

So, let's have a SALE ITEM today -
This is another FAVORITE of mine.
Triple Sunflower Box
This box is 16" Tall x 10" Wide and comes with a fabric handle for hanging.  This is perfect for August - November!!  (Or October, if you decorate early for Christmas like I do.... )
Triple Sunflower Box - Finished
On Sale - $23.00
Triple Sunflower Box - Unfinished
On Sale - $17.00
(Kit includes built box, wood, berries, moss and fabric handle)

To place an order for this Triple Sunflower Box, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.

We also have a winner for last week's drawing....
Congratulations Christy Hawkes!!!
Send me an email and we will set up a time for you top pick up your cute autumn sign.

Today's drawing item is......
Our Fall Pumpkin Door Hanger.
If you would like your name entered into our Monday drawing, please leave a comment on this post or email us at

~have a super great day~



  1. I am so glad that your son is OK. That happened to my niece when she was 13. They never could find out why. The Dr. did say that not getting enough sleep sometimes could be the reason.

  2. Please enter me in your drawing for the darling pumpkin. I love fall!! And, it's upon us.
