Monday, November 4, 2013

Well Hello and Happy Monday -
I haven't seen this blog on a Monday morning in a very long time.  Day Light Savings sure has helped this morning.  We all woke up rested and ready to go, which is such a great feeling.  We had a fantastic weekend.  My Ky turned 16 years old yesterday.  I absolutely cannot believe it!  His friends and cousins (With the help of Grandma and Grandpa Schiess) threw him a surprise birthday party down at the Schiess Farm (Barn) on Friday evening.  They had a blast!!!  We provided the pizza and Grandma and Grandpa provided the drinks, bread sticks, birthday cake and so much more.  He is so blessed to have so many people who love him!!!  We spend Saturday morning eating breakfast with our family and purchasing his new Shot Gun!  Then we had cake and ice cream last night with some friends and family.  It was such a blast.  We love you Ky and are so thankful you are our oldest son.  We couldn't be prouder of you and love you to pieces!!!
Happy 16th Birthday Ky~

Not only did we celebrate all weekend, but we also worked and worked and worked.  I have piles and piles of Christmas Items through out the house.  
Today's SALE ITEM is another Christmas Item...
Check this out....
This Merry Christmas Block is 12" Long x 8" Tall.  We have painted it white and added red vinyl. We distressed the edges (Of Course.....) And Tadaa!!!!

This would be a PERFECT Thanksgiving Day Project!!!  Order now and have kits in plenty of time!

Merry Christmas Block - Finished
On Sale - $14.00

Merry Christmas Block - Unfinished Kit
On Sale - $10.00

(Kit includes wood and vinyl)

To place an order for this Merry Christmas Block, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Credit/Debit Card.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.  Orders will be ready within 10 business days.

Today's Drawing Item is Super cute.....  We made these at our last craft night!
Countdown To Christmas.
If you would like your name added into our Monday Drawing, leave a comment on this blog or email us at
The Winner will be announced Monday here on our blog.  Good Luck To Everyone!!!
.......& Merry Christmas!

Have a Wonderful Day!


  1. Would LOVE to win the Countdown to Christmas!! :) as always, super cute stuff! :)

  2. Would absolutely love to win this! It was wonderful meeting you the other day!
