Monday, January 13, 2014

Good Morning and Happy Monday!!!
We had a great weekend and the kids are continuing their weekend by being home today.  I LOVE when they are home.  Yes, the house gets messier, food I make goes much faster, the door slams a lot more and the noise level is much higher - but that is what life is all about.  Don't get me wrong, those days of quiet are wonderful too, but I would much rather have my kids home. 

I have been a "Stay At Home" mom working from home for 17 years, so when my kids decided to all leave and go to school, it left an empty little space in my heart and that empty little space only seems to fill up when the house gets messier, the food I make goes faster, the door slams a lot more and the noise level is much higher.  Kind of weird ~ but it is so true.    To My Ky, Ghav and Chloee (since they always read this blog - LOL - They never read this blog).... I love you more than anything.  Thanks for making my life complete.

First of all we have a winner for last week's drawing..... Remember that cute 
"Baby It's Cold Outside" sign.....?
Guess what?  We decided to give away two signs...... because so many of you entered this week.
A Big WooHoo For....
Susan Jackson Jessica Checketts
Let me know when you would like to pick these up and I will make sure I am home.  A Big thanks to everyone who entered our drawing. 

Today's Drawing Item is another fun one!!!
We are giving away FIVE of these LOVE Blocks....
Each block is 4" Wide x 6" Tall!!
If you would like your name entered into our drawing, please leave a comment on this post or email us at and 
Share Something You LOVE!!!!
(For instance, I love my family, Chocolate, Diet Dr. Pepper, snowy days, sunny days, my hot hubby, 4-wheeler rides, Chocolate (oh, did I already mention that?)......  You get the idea)
Again, we are giving away FIVE.........
The winners will be posted a week from today, right here on our blog.  

Today's SALE Item is another NEW Item just finished up this weekend.....
Framed Heart
On Sale For $15.00
12" x 12"
This would be perfect for hanging on a door or placing on a easel. 
These are now in stock!!!

To place an order for this ~Framed Heart~, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit card.  Shipping will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.  

Have a Great Day and Don't Forget to Enter Our Drawing!!!



  1. I love my family!!! (And diet Pepsi)

  2. I Love getting to stay at home with my kiddos when it is snowing and cold outside.

  3. I am visiting via Down to Earth Style.

    What cute items you have.

    I love so much, but right now I will say I love my new creative space that as of about 30 minutes ago is finished.

  4. Please enter me! One thing that I'm especially loving right now is the hilarious personality my 2 year old is developing. :)
