Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!
Can I just say that my feet are FREEZING!!!!!  Chloee's 3rd grade went on another field trip this morning and I was able to meet them.  They went ICE SKATING!!!  I have been on this field trip several other times with her and my boys and decided..... I wasn't joining them on the ice today!   Last time I went, my feet hurt HORRIBLY!!  It was actually really fun being in normal shoes just watching and taking pictures.  My Chloee is pretty good at this ice skating thing.  Her poor bottom spent several minutes on the ice, but the majority of the time she was on here feet.  It was really cold and my feet have not warmed up yet, but I've got my browning wool socks on and hopefully they will warm up soon!!!

Check Out Today's SALE ITEM.....
St. Patrick's Day SUBWAY Art
This sign is 24" X 12" 
Dark Green with White Vinyl
On Sale For $18.00

(Each sign comes wrapped in cellophane - see picture below)

To place an order for this
St. Patrick's Day Subway Art,
please email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit card.   Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis.  

Have a Great Day!!!
~We will chat with you tomorrow~ 

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