Monday, March 31, 2014

Good Morning and WooHoo For SPRING BREAK!!!!  Yesterday was even a better Sunday because we knew we all would be home this week.  Don't get me wrong, but the end of the week, we will all be happy to go back to our regular schedule, but for now..............WooHoo!!!
We have SOOOO MUCH Work to get done this week and are hoping to catch up on all of our orders.  So for all of you that are waiting...... This is the week!!!

Today's SALE ITEM - Custom Order
~Missionary Subway Art~
12" Wide x 16" Tall
On Sale ~ $26.00
So I came up with this FANTASTIC idea about doing a Missionary Subway Art.  I just couldn't believe it hadn't been thought of before....... Hellooooooo!!!!  There are thousands of different ones floating around on the internet.  I guess I just didn't notice it.  We made this plaque for some dear friends of ours.  Travis worked for us for several years and became one of our kids.  He recently left on his LDS mission and I couldn't wait to make this for his "Proud Missionary Mom".  
We would love to customize a Missionary Subway Art for you!!  When ordering, please give us your missionary's name, their mission, the language they are speaking and any other special words of scriptures you would like.  Choose from the following colors........
Black with white writing 
Antique white with Black Writing
Please send order to 

To place an order for this Missionary Subway Art, please email us at the above address or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed separately through Paypal.

.......and because today is Monday we have a FREE DRAWING ITEM.
If you would like your name entered into our Monday Drawing, please leave a comment on this post or email us at  

Today's Drawing Item.....
Home Is Wherever I'm With You
16" x 16" Sign
(Retail Value - $27.00)
We will post the winner of this sign one week from today on our blog ~ 

Have a Fantastic week and we will see you back here tomorrow!!


  1. I would love to win this, please pick me!!


  2. Visiting from Down to Earth Style blog. Love your pieces and would love to win this for my mom!

  3. Came from Holly's at Down To Earth... never been here before, but will be more often, LOVE your style and items for my new (old) house! Would LOVE to win this, PLEASE enter me!!
