Thursday, March 20, 2014

Good Morning Friends and Happy Friday Eve.......
One day closer to the weekend and the sunshine is beautiful today!!!!  Construction of the New High School is underway two blocks from our home and we can hear all the construction vehicles busily working.  Amazing how things change and the world just keeps moving forward......

Spring is definitely here and I have the Spring Cleaning/Decorating bug.  We took dinner to a dear fried of ours the other night and instead of driving..... we walked that whole two blocks.  It was so nice being out in the clean air and when I got home, I started the outside cleaning.  I swept the back patio, brought out the patio furniture and then moved to the front yard.  I still have lots of weeds to pull, but the weeds will be there tomorrow.  In fact, they will most likely have grown a couple inches by then and they will be easier to pull.  

Both homes we have lived in have had one thing in common..... a BIG Front Porch.  A porch to me is just an extension of the home and I have always decorated the porch.  

Here are just a few pictures of our new home (which we are so blessed to live in!)  We love the neutral colors of this home.  

Here is a close up of the front entrance....
 I just had to leave that cute little pink bike in the photo.  That would be Chloee's birthday present and it already has many miles on it.  
I told Eric the other day, we need to paint the front door Black!!  What do you all think???

 My Friend Amy gave me the old Wagon - and isn't it a treasure???  I had the old black chair in one of my flower beds at our old home and just had to put it here on the porch.  I took an old cabinet door, sprayed it black, put a knob on it and tied two round twig wreaths on the front!!!  So Simple and I Love It!!  I'm not sure what that little pile of fake grass is on the right hand side.  I am assuming it blew off of the duck boat in the back yard, but I thought it looked kind of rustic, so I left it in the picture - LOL

This table and set of chairs was in our old kitchen at one time.  Eric built me a new table, so I moved this one onto the porch so we could move the new table into the house.......... and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THE TABLE AND CHAIRS ON OUR FRONT PORCH!!  So, I brought them to our new home and Tadaa!!!  Once again, they are on the porch.  I added a rooster, some fake grass, wreaths on each window and an old watering can on the table.  Check out the black chair, old milk can and that FANTASTIC WELCOME BURLAP Sign 
(Today's SALE ITEM - Hint, Hint)

I lined the front of our porch with some wire baskets.  Not sure what I am going to put in them yet, but I'm working on that....... 

Notice the wreaths hanging in the windows?  I had these wreaths hanging on the windows of our old home and loved them.  I couldn't wait to hang them on the windows of our new home.  Just Charming!!

Today's SALE Item is perfect for a front porch.  
Welcome Burlap Sign
20" Long x 16" Tall
This is a favorite and turned out really cute.  We painted the board black, added tan burlap, furniture tacks and then I stippled black lettering on the burlap.  Super Cute!!!
On Sale ~ $24.00

To place an order for this Burlap Welcome Sign, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Account.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed separately through Paypal.  

Have a Great Day Today!!

1 comment:

  1. i just love your porch decor! beautiful home! awesome woodworking, too:)
