Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Good Morning Friends......
Years ago when I started this blog for our business, I had no idea it would evolve into a blog where I would share our family experiences, good moments, sad moments, religion,  jokes and so much more.  I didn't understand how far-reaching a simple blog could be.  I sit in my home everyday and type about our life and business and it travels instantly through out the world.  And Crazy enough to me..... people read it!  Not only has this become a blog for our business, our personal life and so much more, but it has also become a way we can hopefully help others with the help of all of you!!! 

Last night as Ghavan (my middle child - LOL) and I were walking in from our youth activities, he received a text from a friend telling him that his bosses hay barn had caught fire and had burnt to the ground.  Instantly my heart sank, because that is a horrible loss.  Of course we all find ourselves wondering what we can do to help, but a lot of times turn away because we don't feel like we can make a difference.  I am grateful for people who step up and take the initiative to pave a way for others to help.  (Thanks Margaret!!)
Our awesome community is already organizing an event (A Barn Dance - woohoo) and fundraising is underway to help this family.  Below is a link that will take you to the donation page where you can read about the family, the fire and ways you can help...... 
Remember, it is the small things that make big differences in the world.  I remember just shortly after I was diagnosed with breast cancer, the small acts of kindness began pouring in.  It was so humbling and truly changed my life and the attitude I had about service. 
It truly is ~By Small And Simple Things that Great Things Are Brought To Pass~ 
Let' s help make a difference in this family's life.


Buy A Bale, Fill A Barn 


Today's SALE ITEM was designed and made just for this cause......
Today's SALE Item -
By Small & Simple Things Sign
24" tall x 12" wide
Black with white vinyl
On Sale For $24.00
We will donate $12.00 of each purchase to this fund, to help this family!!
Please help us help them!!

To place an order for this sign, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis.

Thanks for your support and contribution!!

Have a Great Day!


  1. You are so awesome to help. I am so blessed to know wonderful people like you and Margaret. Thanks for being such a wonderful example to all of us.

  2. Mandy I just wanted to say that I admire how you are always looking to help anyone and everyone you can. You are such a sweet lady and I am blessed to call you my friend.

  3. Oh Jean!!! That is so nice of you. There has been a big response for these signs. We are so excited!!! Have a great weekend.
