Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Can I just say "HOLY WINDAGE"  last night.  What a storm!!!  I saw more pictures of trampolines being torn to pieces on facebook last night than ever before.  

Yesterday, Shawn (our brother from another mother) called and asked me to go over to his house and stake down the new trampoline he bought for his kids over the weekend.  He was worried the wind might catch it and blow it away.  All I can say is..... It is a dang good thing I went over and tied it down, because if this HUGE Branch wouldn't have fallen on it, I am sure it would have blown away.... (LOL)
I have to admit, I am so grateful it was the branches fault the tramp got ruined and not my lack of knowing how to stake down a tramp correctly!! 

While I was on the phone with my neighbor that was telling me about the tramp, she started to yell out that another branch had fallen and landed on the house..... And she was right.  Eric and I ran over to check things out and sure enough, the kitchen window was no longer in once piece.  Glass was scattered all over the kitchen table and floor.  One branch went right through the wall and came within an inch of his fish aquarium.  Imagine the mess if that would have broken.  So grateful it didn't....

Sooooo. if any of you have an old trampoline you would like to get ride of, I know someone who would love to take it off your hands.  Shawn had a great attitude and said..... "Well, at least the kids got to jump on it once...."  What a CRAZY NIGHT!!

How about a SALE ITEM??? Anyway..... back to the regular part of the day.  As most of you know we have been posting Summer Decor items the past week.  Summer to me is about America..... It's about Red, White and Blue, picnics, parades, fireworks and being patriotic.  So I thought......"What the heck?"  Let's start posting some of our Americana Items here on our blog.....

Today's SALE ITEM is Brand New!!!
On Sale ~ $15.00 Per Set

USA Block Set
Each block is 5" x 5" and hasscrapbook paper, vinyl, furniture tacks and burlap string on the front of each one.
Red, White & Blue

To place an order for this USA Block Set, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.  

Keep watching for more Americana Items!!!
We can't wait to share them with you.


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