Monday, April 21, 2014

Good Morning and Happy Monday Everyone!!
WE ARE SO TIRED AT OUR HOUSE!!!  We had a Super Busy Easter weekend and loved spending time with family.  We had a bridal shower for our niece, Jesse on Saturday and Yesterday was my mom's 29th birthday (WINK) and Easter.  Not to mention we threw in a couple hundred hours of crafting and Tadaa - TIRED Monday Morning!!

I find myself looking forward to the Summer Months already for the simple fact that our kids can sleep in a little!!  (Ok, me too!).  I am sure it will be here before we know it.  

We have a FANTASTIC Sale Item today....
Perfect for any porch!
Welcome To Our Porch....
24" Long x 12" Tall
Available in Black or Bing Cherry Red with White letting or Antique White with Black lettering.

On Sale For $20.00


3 for $50.00
This is a Super Great Price....... and a perfect gift for Mother's Day!!!  ORDER NOW!!!

To place an order for this ~Welcome To Our Porch~ sign, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit Card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed separately through Paypal.  

We also have a winner for Last Week's drawing......
Congratulations to Danesa!!!!
Send me an email and we can set up a time for you to pick this up.  
THANKS to everyone who entered!!

Check out Today's Drawing item.....
~Family Magnet Board~
If you would like your name entered into our drawing for this Family Magnet Board, please email us at

Good Luck and have a great Monday!

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