Monday, April 14, 2014

Good Morning and Happy Monday!
We had an awesome weekend and my muscles are sore.....  Saturday night was the Big Fundraiser/Barn Dance for the Olsen Family in Paradise whose barn burnt down a month ago.  Remember the "By Small & Simple Things" signs we put on sale to raise money for this family???? - 
It was such an amazing and humble experience to attend such an awesome event and to be surrounded by such amazing people.  Channel five news happened to be there and told this great story on the news....  Blake Pulsipher (who donated the delicious food) said it best when he said.....

“We’re small-town America, and small-town America pays everything forward, so you help out the people who need it.”

Because of your generosity in ordering our "By Small And Simple Things" signs, Eric and I were able to present Phil and Teresa with a check that night.  It was so humbling and we are so grateful for everyone who helped us help them.....

It was the funnest night and my legs are killing....  There was live music all night and Eric and I really shook it up on the dance floor and I obviously haven't dance in a LONG time.....
We loved dancing together, but had a blast dancing with two of our kiddos....

Why did we only dance with Chloee and Ghavan and not Ky???  He was busy with his FFA group making sure everyone knew where to park.
Looks like he was working really hard.....
 Ghavan, Ky and their Buddies...
 Moving Sprinklers to make more room for cars and trucks.....

 I just know he is standing there wishing he could come into the barn and dance with me.... I just know it!

Not only was there dinner and dancing, but they had a HUGE bake sale.  Pies, cookies, cakes and SOOOO much more. 
 Chloee went for the BIG piece of Chocolate Cake.

Here are a few more fun pictures....
I am so grateful for my family...

We had a really fun surprise that night..... We purchased a couple of raffle tickets and entered to win a darling quilt and guess what?????
WE WON!!!!
That is the only thing Chloee wanted and I can't believe we won it.  A Big thank you to whoever made and donated that quilt.  
It was one of the funnest nights we have had as a family. By the time we got home, we were simply exhausted. (and grateful for a warm, cozy quilt)

Thank you again to everyone who helped us raise money for the Olsen family.  We are so grateful!!

And...... Now for Today's SALE ITEM....
Another PERFECT Mother's Day Gift
Family ~ Magnet Board

19" x 13"
Magnet board is covered with scrapbook paper.  We have added furniture tacks on each corner of the magnet board and check out the super cute burlap bow.....
On Sale ~ $24.00
~Or~ 3 for $60.00
To place an order for this Family Magnet Board, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a Credit/Debit card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.  

Order three and SAVE!!!

Have a wonderful Monday!!

~We will see you tomorrow~

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