Monday, May 19, 2014

Good Morning and Happy Monday Morning....
The past few months have been pretty crazy around here!!  Work, school and a
~major decision for our family.....~
We are super excited and a little nervous at the same time....
(oops.... spelled our last name wrong -)

Eric and I have decided he is going to be home with me full time running our business and this next week is his last week as a high school teacher at Roy High. We are nervous and super excited all at the same time.  We love working together and are excited to speed up our production and add more to our product line. 
(let's hope we still look at each other like this
after working together 24/7 - LOL)
We definitely couldn't have made this choice without all of the support that has come from our amazing ~On The Avenue~ followers.  We are so grateful for your loyalty and appreciate your patience as we have grown and expanded in our production this year.  What a blessing for our family!

We have some really fun items and opportunities coming up in the future and can't wait to share them with all of you..... Stay tuned!!

Today's SALE ITEM....
(Perfect for a Wedding or Birthday Gift)
~HOME Sign~
This sign is 16" x 16"
this sign is available in black with white lettering or antique white paint with black lettering.  Love the twig wreath & burlap!
~On Sale - $18.00~
(This is a FANTASTIC Price)

To place an order for this HOME sign, please email us at or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account or a credit/debit card.  Shipping is available and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed separately through Paypal.....

We also have a drawing winner for last week's Wreath Board....
Congratulations to Nicole Anderson
Send us an email and we will set up a time for you to pick up this item.
A Big Thanks to everyone who entered our drawing.

Today's Monday Drawing Item
If you would like your name entered into our weekly drawing for this Simplify Pillow, please email us at or leave a comment on this post.

have a fantastic Monday

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