Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Good Morning Tuesday!!!
We have had the funnest morning here at our home.  Look what we have!!!
A New Baby Pony!!
We have been watching for this little guy for weeks now and he is finally here.  He is so little (smaller than our dog Chett).....  His marking are so cute!!!  I was hoping I would see him being born, but unfortunately she had him early this morning and when we looked outside, there he was.  Standing on his shaky little legs.  We are already in love!!!
 We decided to name him Storm because he was born during the super wet rain storm we had during the night.  He was just shivering this morning and I told Eric I wanted to wrap him in a blanket and snuggle him - motherly instincts I guess.   Apparently I have more to learn about this farming/animal thing.  Eric said his mother will take perfect care of him.  Ahhhh, gotta love Motherhood!!
 His mother was really sweet and let Eric and Chloee in with her and Storm.  She was a little nervous at first, but was very gentle with her baby and us.  What a good mama!!
 These pictures do not show how sweet and little he is.  What a fun blessing this morning!!

It is Brand New and we are super excited to share it with you all.

Family Block Set
This block set stretches 34" across.  Perfect for a couch table, shelf or entertainment center.  We have used Rustic style paper and a little jute on the A and Y blocks as an accent.  We chalked all of the block edges!!  This picture sure doesn't give this item justice.....  I really need to take some photography classes.  Ahhhhh!! 

Family Block Set 
~On Sale - $23.00~
(this is a fantastic price)

To place an order for this Family Block Set, please email us at ontheavenuelogan@gmail.com or use the BUY NOW option above.  The BUY NOW option above allows you to order and pay for this item using your Paypal Account.  

Shipping is available on this item and will be calculated on an individual basis and billed through Paypal.  If you would like a quote on shipping, please email us your complete shipping address and we will send you a quote.

Have a Great Tuesday and we will see you tomorrow!

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